Revision history for Perl extension Moose::Autobox
+0.09 Thu. Oct 23, 2008
- update Perl6::Junction dependency and support new version
0.08 Mon. May 12, 2008
use Scalar::Util ();
use Moose::Util ();
-our $VERSION = '0.08';
+our $VERSION = '0.09';
use base 'autobox';
use Perl6::Junction;
use Moose::Autobox;
-our $VERSION = '0.03';
+our $VERSION = '0.09';
with 'Moose::Autobox::Ref',
use Moose::Role 'with';
use Moose::Autobox;
-our $VERSION = '0.02';
+our $VERSION = '0.09';
with 'Moose::Autobox::Ref';
package Moose::Autobox::Defined;
use Moose::Role 'with';
-our $VERSION = '0.01';
+our $VERSION = '0.09';
with 'Moose::Autobox::Item';
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
\ No newline at end of file
package Moose::Autobox::Hash;
use Moose::Role 'with';
-our $VERSION = '0.03';
+our $VERSION = '0.09';
with 'Moose::Autobox::Ref',
package Moose::Autobox::Indexed;
use Moose::Role 'requires';
-our $VERSION = '0.02';
+our $VERSION = '0.09';
requires 'at';
requires 'put';
package Moose::Autobox::Item;
use Moose::Role 'requires';
-our $VERSION = '0.02';
+our $VERSION = '0.09';
requires 'defined';
use Moose::Role 'with', 'requires';
use Moose::Autobox;
-our $VERSION = '0.02';
+our $VERSION = '0.09';
with 'Moose::Autobox::Value';
package Moose::Autobox::Number;
use Moose::Role;
-our $VERSION = '0.01';
+our $VERSION = '0.09';
with 'Moose::Autobox::Value';
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
\ No newline at end of file
package Moose::Autobox::Ref;
use Moose::Role 'with';
-our $VERSION = '0.03';
+our $VERSION = '0.09';
with 'Moose::Autobox::Defined';
package Moose::Autobox::Scalar;
use Moose::Role 'with';
-our $VERSION = '0.01';
+our $VERSION = '0.09';
with 'Moose::Autobox::String',
package Moose::Autobox::String;
use Moose::Role;
-our $VERSION = '0.02';
+our $VERSION = '0.09';
with 'Moose::Autobox::Value';
package Moose::Autobox::Undef;
use Moose::Role 'with';
-our $VERSION = '0.01';
+our $VERSION = '0.09';
with 'Moose::Autobox::Item';
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
\ No newline at end of file
package Moose::Autobox::Value;
use Moose::Role 'with';
-our $VERSION = '0.01';
+our $VERSION = '0.09';
with 'Moose::Autobox::Defined';