package Cat::Food;
use Moo;
- use Sub::Quote;
sub feed_lion {
my $self = shift;
has pounds => (
is => 'rw',
- isa => quote_sub q{ die "$_[0] is too much cat food!" unless $_[0] < 15 },
+ isa => sub { die "$_[0] is too much cat food!" unless $_[0] < 15 },
does not include a basic type system, so instead of doing C<< isa => 'Num' >>,
one should do
- isa => quote_sub q{
+ isa => sub {
die "$_[0] is not a number!" unless looks_like_number $_[0]
Takes a coderef which is meant to coerce the attribute. The basic idea is to
do something like the following:
- coerce => quote_sub q{
+ coerce => sub {
$_[0] + 1 unless $_[0] % 2
giving us a handy, XS-free speed boost. Any option that is L<Sub::Quote>
aware can take advantage of this.
+To do this, you can write
+ use Moo;
+ use Sub::Quote;
+ has foo => (
+ is => quote_sub(q{ die "Not <3" unless $_[0] < 3 })
+ );
+which will be inlined as
+ do {
+ local @_ = ($_[0]->{foo});
+ die "Not <3" unless $_[0] < 3;
+ }
+or to avoid localizing @_,
+ has foo => (
+ is => quote_sub(q{ my ($val) = @_; die "Not <3" unless $val < 3 })
+ );
+which will be inlined as
+ do {
+ my ($val) = ($_[0]->{foo});
+ die "Not <3" unless $val < 3;
+ }
+See L<Sub::Quote> for more information, including how to pass lexical
+captures that will also be compiled in to the subroutine.
There is no built in type system. C<isa> is verified with a coderef, if you