# Get the lemma, which is all the readings between app and anchor,
# excluding other apps or anchors.
my @lemma = _return_lemma( $c, $app_id, $anchor );
- my $lemma_str = join( ' ', map { $_->text } grep { !$_->is_ph } @lemma );
# For each reading, send its text to 'interpret' along with the lemma,
# and then save the list of witnesses that these tokens belong to.
$tag =~ s/^\__APP_(.*)\__$/$1/;
foreach my $rdg ( $xn->getChildrenByTagName( 'rdg' ) ) {
- my @witlist = split( /\s+/, $rdg->getAttribute( 'wit' ) );
- my @text;
- foreach ( $rdg->childNodes ) {
- push( @text, _get_base( $_ ) );
- }
- my( $interpreted, $flag ) = ( '', undef );
- if( @text ) {
- ( $interpreted, $flag ) = interpret(
- join( ' ', map { $_->{'content'} } @text ), $lemma_str, $anchor, $opts );
- }
- next if( $interpreted eq $lemma_str ) && !keys %$flag; # Reading is lemma.
- my @rdg_nodes;
- if( $interpreted eq '#LACUNA#' ) {
- push( @rdg_nodes, $c->add_reading( { id => 'r'.$tag.".".$ctr++,
- is_lacuna => 1 } ) );
- } elsif( $flag->{'TR'} ) {
- # Our reading is transposed to after the given string. Look
- # down the collation base text and try to find it.
- # The @rdg_nodes should remain blank here, so that the correct
- # omission goes into the graph.
- my @transp_nodes;
- foreach my $w ( split( /\s+/, $interpreted ) ) {
- my $r = $c->add_reading( { id => 'r'.$tag.".".$ctr++,
- text => $w } );
- push( @transp_nodes, $r );
- }
- if( $anchor && @lemma ) {
- my $success = _attach_transposition( $c, \@lemma, $anchor,
- \@transp_nodes, \@witlist, $flag->{'TR'} );
- unless( $success ) {
- # If we didn't manage to insert the displaced reading,
- # then restore it here rather than silently deleting it.
- push( @rdg_nodes, @transp_nodes );
- }
- }
- } else {
- foreach my $w ( split( /\s+/, $interpreted ) ) {
- my $r = $c->add_reading( { id => 'r'.$tag.".".$ctr++,
- text => $w } );
- push( @rdg_nodes, $r );
- }
- }
- # For each listed wit, save the reading.
- # If an A.C. or P.C. reading is implied rather than explicitly noted,
- # this is where it will be dealt with.
- foreach my $wit ( @witlist ) {
- $wit .= '_ac' if $flag->{'AC'};
- $wit_rdgs{$wit} = \@rdg_nodes;
- # If the PC flag is set, there is a corresponding AC that
- # follows the lemma and has to be explicitly declared.
- if( $flag->{'PC'} ) {
- $wit_rdgs{$wit.'_ac'} = \@lemma;
- }
- }
+ # Get the relevant witnesses.
+ my @witlist = map { $sigil_for{$_} }
+ split( /\s+/, $rdg->getAttribute( 'wit' ) );
# Does the reading have an ID? If so it probably has a witDetail
# attached, and we need to read it. If an A.C. or P.C. reading is
# declared explicity, this is where it will be dealt with.
if( $rdg->hasAttribute( 'xml:id' ) ) {
- warn "Witdetail on meta reading" if $flag; # this could get complicated.
my $rid = $rdg->getAttribute( 'xml:id' );
my $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( $xn );
my @details = $xpc->findnodes( './witDetail[@target="'.$rid.'"]' );
foreach my $d ( @details ) {
- _parse_wit_detail( $d, \%wit_rdgs, \@lemma );
+ @witlist = _parse_wit_detail( $d, @witlist );
+ # Now we have our list of relevant witnesses for the reading, annotated
+ # with AC or PC if applicable. Interpret the reading in light of the
+ # lemma, anything we already have for the witness, etc.
+ # If an A.C. or P.C. reading is implied rather than explicitly noted,
+ # this is where it will be dealt with.
+ foreach my $wit ( @witlist ) {
+ # The lemma for this witness is either the actual lemma, or the
+ # reading that we have already determined.
+ my $hascorr;
+ if( $wit =~ /^(.*)_pc$/ ) {
+ $wit = $1;
+ $hascorr = 1;
+ }
+ ## TODO think through ac/pc interaction from these specs
+ my $wit_lemma = $wit_rdgs{$wit} || \@lemma;
+ my @rdg_nodes;
+ ( $wit, @rdg_nodes )= _read_reading( $rdg, $wit_lemma, $wit,
+ $tag, $ctr, $anchor, $opts );
+ $wit_rdgs{$wit} = \@rdg_nodes;
+ # If the PC flag is set, there is a corresponding AC that
+ # follows the lemma and has to be explicitly declared.
+ if( $flag->{'PC'} ) {
+ $wit_rdgs{$wit.'_ac'} = $wit_lemma;
+ }
+ }
# Now collate the variant readings, since it is not done for us.
collate_variants( $c, \@lemma, values %wit_rdgs );
- # Now add the witness paths for each reading. If we don't have an anchor
- # (e.g. with an initial witStart) there was no witness path to speak of.
+ # Now add the witness paths for each reading.
foreach my $wit_id ( keys %wit_rdgs ) {
my $witstr = _get_sigil( $wit_id, $c->ac_label );
my $rdg_list = $wit_rdgs{$wit_id};
return @nodes;
+sub _parse_wit_detail {
+ my $detail = shift;
+ my %wits;
+ map { $wits{$_} = $_ } @_;
+ my @changewits = map { $sigil_for{$_} }
+ split( /\s+/, $detail->getAttribute( 'wit' ) );
+ my $content = $detail->textContent;
+ if( $content =~ /^a\.?\s*c(orr)?\.$/ ) {
+ # Replace the key in the $readings hash
+ map { $wits{$_} = $_.'_ac' } @changewits;
+ } elsif( $content =~ /^p\.?\s*c(orr)?\.$/ || $content =~ /^s\.?\s*l\.$/
+ || $content =~ /^in marg\.?$/ ) {
+ # If no key for the wit a.c. exists, add one pointing to the lemma
+ map { $wits{$_} = $_.'_pc' } @changewits;
+ } else { #...not sure what it is?
+ say STDERR "WARNING: Unrecognized sigil annotation $content";
+ }
+ my @newwits = sort values %wits;
+ return @newwits;
+sub _read_reading {
+ my( $rdg, $lemma, $witness, $tag, $ctr, $anchor, $opts ) = @_;
+ # Get the text of the lemma.
+ my $lemma_str = join( ' ', map { $_->text } grep { !$_->is_ph } @$lemma );
+ my @text;
+ foreach ( $rdg->childNodes ) {
+ push( @text, _get_base( $_ ) );
+ }
+ my( $interpreted, $flag ) = ( '', undef );
+ if( @text ) {
+ ( $interpreted, $flag ) = interpret(
+ join( ' ', map { $_->{'content'} } @text ), $lemma_str, $anchor, $opts );
+ }
+ if( ( $interpreted eq $lemma_str || $interpreted eq '__LEMMA__' )
+ && !keys %$flag ) {
+ # The reading is the lemma. Pass it back.
+ return( $wit, @$lemma );
+ }
+ my @rdg_nodes;
+ if( $interpreted eq '#LACUNA#' ) {
+ push( @rdg_nodes, $c->add_reading( { id => 'r'.$tag.".".$ctr++,
+ is_lacuna => 1 } ) );
+ } elsif( $flag->{'TR'} ) {
+ # Our reading is transposed to after the given string. Look
+ # down the collation base text and try to find it.
+ # The @rdg_nodes should remain blank here, so that the correct
+ # omission goes into the graph.
+ my @transp_nodes;
+ foreach my $w ( split( /\s+/, $interpreted ) ) {
+ my $r = $c->add_reading( { id => 'r'.$tag.".".$ctr++,
+ text => $w } );
+ push( @transp_nodes, $r );
+ }
+ if( $anchor && @lemma ) {
+ my $success = _attach_transposition( $c, $lemma, $anchor,
+ \@transp_nodes, $witlist, $flag->{'TR'} );
+ unless( $success ) {
+ # If we didn't manage to insert the displaced reading,
+ # then restore it here rather than silently deleting it.
+ push( @rdg_nodes, @transp_nodes );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach my $w ( split( /\s+/, $interpreted ) ) {
+ if( $w eq '__LEMMA__' ) {
+ push( @rdg_nodes, @lemma );
+ } else {
+ my $r = $c->add_reading( { id => 'r'.$tag.".".$ctr++,
+ text => $w } );
+ push( @rdg_nodes, $r );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Note if the interpretation said that we're dealing with a correction.
+ if( $flag->{'AC'} ) {
+ $wit .= '_ac';
+ } elsif( $flag->{'PC'} ) {
+ $wit .= '_pc';
+ }
+ return( $wit, @rdg_nodes );
# Make a best-effort attempt to attach a transposition farther down the line.
# $lemmaseq contains the Reading objects of the lemma
# $anchor contains the point at which we should start scanning for a match
# Discard any 'sic' notation - that rather goes without saying.
$reading =~ s/([[:punct:]]+)?sic([[:punct:]]+)?//g;
+ # Look to see if there is an implied add or praem masked by the XML.
+ # If so, undo it for purposes of reading identity.
+ $reading =~ s/^$lemma\b/__LEMMA__/;
+ $reading =~ s/\b$lemma$/__LEMMA__/;
# Now look for common jargon.
if( $reading =~ /^(.*) praem.$/ || $reading =~ /^praem\. (.*)$/ ) {
- $reading = "$1 $lemma";
+ $reading = "$1 __LEMMA__";
} elsif( $reading =~ /^(.*) add.$/ || $reading =~ /^add\. (.*)$/ ) {
- $reading = "$lemma $1";
+ $reading = "__LEMMA__ $1";
} elsif( $reading =~ /locus [uv]acuus/
|| $reading eq 'def.'
|| $reading eq 'illeg.'
$reading = join( ' ', reverse( @words ) );
} elsif( $reading =~ /^iter(\.|at)$/ ) {
# Repeat the lemma
- $reading = "$lemma $lemma";
+ $reading = "__LEMMA__ $lemma";
} elsif( $reading =~ /^(.*?)\s*\(?in marg\.\)?$/ ) {
$reading = $1;
if( $reading ) {
# Try to deal with transposed readings
say STDERR "Will attempt transposition: $reading at $anchor";
+ # Copy the lemma into the reading string for insertion later
+ # in the text.
$reading = $lemma;
$flag->{'TR'} = $+{lem};
return( $reading, $flag );
-sub _parse_wit_detail {
- my( $detail, $readings, $lemma ) = @_;
- my $wit = $detail->getAttribute( 'wit' );
- my $content = $detail->textContent;
- if( $content =~ /^a\.?\s*c(orr)?\.$/ ) {
- # Replace the key in the $readings hash
- my $rdg = delete $readings->{$wit};
- $readings->{$wit.'_ac'} = $rdg;
- $has_ac{$sigil_for{$wit}} = 1;
- } elsif( $content =~ /^p\.?\s*c(orr)?\.$/ || $content =~ /^s\.?\s*l\.$/ ) {
- # If no key for the wit a.c. exists, add one pointing to the lemma
- unless( exists $readings->{$wit.'_ac'} ) {
- $readings->{$wit.'_ac'} = $lemma;
- }
- $has_ac{$sigil_for{$wit}} = 1;
- } else { #...not sure what it is?
- say STDERR "WARNING: Unrecognized sigil annotation $content";
- }
sub _add_lacunae {
my( $c, @app_id ) = @_;
# Go through the apparatus entries in order, noting where to start and stop our