+++ /dev/null
-+ There is literally zero documentation.
-+ Tests could be improved too! Failing tests more than welcome.
-+ A good motivating example. Different serialization formats sucks.
-+ Moose::Exporter should have a with_meta option which does with_caller but also
- initializes the metaclass, since that's the most common case for us (and
- probably others).
-+ Figure out a plan for alias, excludes, and other parameters that roles
- currently support.
- - I'm fine with saying either of:
- * "You can't have exclusion; make it a parameter"
- * "You cannot have parameters named alias or excludes; they
- already have meaning"
- - The current implementation is closer to the latter. (we pass the args to
- both parameter construction and parameterized-role application)
- - We don't enforce that parameters cannot be named alias or excludes though.
-+ Parameters is an empty superclass. Is there anything interesting we can stick
- in there?