if ( noper_next < tail ) { \
if (!trie->jump) \
- trie->jump = PerlMemShared_calloc( word_count + 1, sizeof(U16) ); \
+ trie->jump = (U16 *) PerlMemShared_calloc( word_count + 1, sizeof(U16) ); \
trie->jump[curword] = (U16)(noper_next - convert); \
if (!jumper) \
jumper = noper_next; \
/* we only allocate the nextword buffer when there */\
/* a dupe, so first time we have to do the allocation */\
if (!trie->nextword) \
- trie->nextword = \
+ trie->nextword = (U16 *) \
PerlMemShared_calloc( word_count + 1, sizeof(U16)); \
while ( trie->nextword[dupe] ) \
dupe= trie->nextword[dupe]; \
- trie = PerlMemShared_calloc( 1, sizeof(reg_trie_data) );
+ trie = (reg_trie_data *) PerlMemShared_calloc( 1, sizeof(reg_trie_data) );
trie->refcount = 1;
trie->startstate = 1;
trie->wordcount = word_count;
RExC_rxi->data->data[ data_slot ] = (void*)trie;
- trie->charmap = PerlMemShared_calloc( 256, sizeof(U16) );
+ trie->charmap = (U16 *) PerlMemShared_calloc( 256, sizeof(U16) );
if (!(UTF && folder))
- trie->bitmap = PerlMemShared_calloc( ANYOF_BITMAP_SIZE, 1 );
+ trie->bitmap = (char *) PerlMemShared_calloc( ANYOF_BITMAP_SIZE, 1 );
trie_words = newAV();
(int)TRIE_CHARCOUNT(trie), trie->uniquecharcount,
(int)trie->minlen, (int)trie->maxlen )
- trie->wordlen = PerlMemShared_calloc( word_count, sizeof(U32) );
+ trie->wordlen = (U32 *) PerlMemShared_calloc( word_count, sizeof(U32) );
We now know what we are dealing with in terms of unique chars and
"%*sCompiling trie using list compiler\n",
(int)depth * 2 + 2, ""));
- trie->states = PerlMemShared_calloc( TRIE_CHARCOUNT(trie) + 2,
- sizeof(reg_trie_state) );
+ trie->states = (reg_trie_state *)
+ PerlMemShared_calloc( TRIE_CHARCOUNT(trie) + 2,
+ sizeof(reg_trie_state) );
next_alloc = 2;
/* next alloc is the NEXT state to be allocated */
trie->statecount = next_alloc;
- trie->states = PerlMemShared_realloc( trie->states, next_alloc
- * sizeof(reg_trie_state) );
+ trie->states = (reg_trie_state *)
+ PerlMemShared_realloc( trie->states,
+ next_alloc
+ * sizeof(reg_trie_state) );
/* and now dump it out before we compress it */
DEBUG_TRIE_COMPILE_MORE_r(dump_trie_interim_list(trie, widecharmap,
- trie->trans
- = PerlMemShared_calloc( transcount, sizeof(reg_trie_trans) );
+ trie->trans = (reg_trie_trans *)
+ PerlMemShared_calloc( transcount, sizeof(reg_trie_trans) );
U32 state;
U32 tp = 0;
if ( transcount < tp + maxid - minid + 1) {
transcount *= 2;
- trie->trans
- = PerlMemShared_realloc( trie->trans,
+ trie->trans = (reg_trie_trans *)
+ PerlMemShared_realloc( trie->trans,
* sizeof(reg_trie_trans) );
Zero( trie->trans + (transcount / 2), transcount / 2 , reg_trie_trans );
"%*sCompiling trie using table compiler\n",
(int)depth * 2 + 2, ""));
- trie->trans = PerlMemShared_calloc( ( TRIE_CHARCOUNT(trie) + 1 )
- * trie->uniquecharcount + 1,
- sizeof(reg_trie_trans) );
- trie->states = PerlMemShared_calloc( TRIE_CHARCOUNT(trie) + 2,
- sizeof(reg_trie_state) );
+ trie->trans = (reg_trie_trans *)
+ PerlMemShared_calloc( ( TRIE_CHARCOUNT(trie) + 1 )
+ * trie->uniquecharcount + 1,
+ sizeof(reg_trie_trans) );
+ trie->states = (reg_trie_state *)
+ PerlMemShared_calloc( TRIE_CHARCOUNT(trie) + 2,
+ sizeof(reg_trie_state) );
next_alloc = trie->uniquecharcount + 1;
trie->lasttrans = pos + 1;
- trie->states = PerlMemShared_realloc( trie->states, laststate
- * sizeof(reg_trie_state) );
+ trie->states = (reg_trie_state *)
+ PerlMemShared_realloc( trie->states, laststate
+ * sizeof(reg_trie_state) );
PerlIO_printf( Perl_debug_log,
"%*sAlloc: %d Orig: %"IVdf" elements, Final:%"IVdf". Savings of %%%5.2f\n",
/* resize the trans array to remove unused space */
- trie->trans = PerlMemShared_realloc( trie->trans, trie->lasttrans
- * sizeof(reg_trie_trans) );
+ trie->trans = (reg_trie_trans *)
+ PerlMemShared_realloc( trie->trans, trie->lasttrans
+ * sizeof(reg_trie_trans) );
/* and now dump out the compressed format */
DEBUG_TRIE_COMPILE_r(dump_trie(trie, widecharmap, revcharmap, depth+1));
ARG_SET( stclass, data_slot );
- aho = PerlMemShared_calloc( 1, sizeof(reg_ac_data) );
+ aho = (reg_ac_data *) PerlMemShared_calloc( 1, sizeof(reg_ac_data) );
RExC_rxi->data->data[ data_slot ] = (void*)aho;
aho->states=(reg_trie_state *)PerlMemShared_malloc( numstates * sizeof(reg_trie_state) );
Copy( trie->states, aho->states, numstates, reg_trie_state );
Newxz( q, numstates, U32);
- aho->fail = PerlMemShared_calloc( numstates, sizeof(U32) );
+ aho->fail = (U32 *) PerlMemShared_calloc( numstates, sizeof(U32) );
aho->refcount = 1;
fail = aho->fail;
/* initialize fail[0..1] to be 1 so that we always have
regnode *trie_op;
/* this can happen only on restudy */
if ( OP(first) == TRIE ) {
- struct regnode_1 *trieop =
+ struct regnode_1 *trieop = (struct regnode_1 *)
PerlMemShared_calloc(1, sizeof(struct regnode_1));
StructCopy(first,trieop,struct regnode_1);
trie_op=(regnode *)trieop;
} else {
- struct regnode_charclass *trieop =
+ struct regnode_charclass *trieop = (struct regnode_charclass *)
PerlMemShared_calloc(1, sizeof(struct regnode_charclass));
StructCopy(first,trieop,struct regnode_charclass);
trie_op=(regnode *)trieop;