use strict;
use warnings;
+use Encode qw/ decode /;
use Text::Tradition::Parser::Util qw/ collate_variants /;
use XML::LibXML;
use XML::LibXML::XPathContext;
my $c = $tradition->collation; # Some shorthand
# First, parse the XML.
- my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
- my $doc;
- if( exists $opts->{'string'} ) {
- $doc = $parser->parse_string( $opts->{'string'} );
- } elsif ( exists $opts->{'file'} ) {
- $doc = $parser->parse_file( $opts->{'file'} );
- } else {
- warn "Could not find string or file option to parse";
- return;
- }
- my $tei = $doc->documentElement();
- my $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( $tei );
+ my( $tei, $xpc ) = _remove_formatting( $opts );
+ return unless $tei; # we have already warned.
# CTE uses a DTD rather than any xmlns-based parsing. Thus we
# need no namespace handling.
# Get the witnesses and create the witness objects.
foreach my $wit_el ( $xpc->findnodes( '//sourceDesc/listWit/witness' ) ) {
# The witness xml:id is used internally, and is *not* the sigil name.
my $id= $wit_el->getAttribute( 'xml:id' );
- my @sig_parts = $xpc->findnodes( './abbr/descendant::text()', $wit_el );
+ my @sig_parts = $xpc->findnodes( 'descendant::text()', $wit_el );
my $sig = _stringify_sigil( @sig_parts );
+ print STDERR "Adding witness $sig\n";
$tradition->add_witness( sigil => $sig, source => $wit_el->toString() );
$sigil_for{'#'.$id} = $sig; # Make life easy by keying on the ID ref syntax
# Now go through the text and find the base tokens, apparatus tags, and
# anchors. Make a giant array of all of these things in sequence.
# TODO consider combining this with creation of graph below
push( @base_text, _get_base( $xn ) );
# We now have to work through this array applying the alternate
# apparatus readings to the base text. Essentially we will put
# everything on the graph, from which we will delete the apps and
# Save the text for each witness so that we can ensure consistency
# later on
+ $tradition->collation->calculate_ranks();
+ $tradition->collation->flatten_ranks();
sub _stringify_sigil {
return join( '', @parts );
-## Recursive little helper function to help us navigate through nested
-## XML, picking out the words, the apparatus, and the anchors.
+# Get rid of all the formatting elements that get in the way of tokenization.
+sub _remove_formatting {
+ my( $opts ) = @_;
+ # First, parse the original XML
+ my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
+ my $doc;
+ if( exists $opts->{'string'} ) {
+ $doc = $parser->parse_string( $opts->{'string'} );
+ } elsif ( exists $opts->{'file'} ) {
+ $doc = $parser->parse_file( $opts->{'file'} );
+ } else {
+ warn "Could not find string or file option to parse";
+ return;
+ }
+ # Second, remove the formatting
+ my $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( $doc->documentElement );
+ my @useless = $xpc->findnodes( '//hi' );
+ foreach my $n ( @useless ) {
+ my $parent = $n->parentNode();
+ my @children = $n->childNodes();
+ my $first = shift @children;
+ $parent->replaceChild( $first, $n );
+ foreach my $c ( @children ) {
+ $parent->insertAfter( $c, $first );
+ $first = $c;
+ }
+ }
+ # Third, write out and reparse to merge the text nodes.
+ my $result = decode( $doc->encoding, $doc->toString() );
+ my $tei = $parser->parse_string( $result )->documentElement;
+ $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( $tei );
+ return( $tei, $xpc );
+## Helper function to help us navigate through nested XML, picking out
+## the words, the apparatus, and the anchors.
sub _get_base {
my( $xn ) = @_;
if( $xn->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE ) {
# Base text, just split the words on whitespace and add them
# to our sequence.
- # TODO consider that XML markup might appear mid-token.
my $str = $xn->data;
$str =~ s/^\s+//;
- foreach my $w ( split( /\s+/, $str ) ) {
- push( @readings, { 'type' => 'token', 'content' => $w } );
- }
- } elsif( $xn->nodeName eq 'hi' ) {
- # Recurse as if the hi weren't there.
- foreach( $xn->childNodes ) {
- push( @readings, _get_base( $_ ) );
- }
+ my @tokens = split( /\s+/, $str );
+ push( @readings, map { { 'type' => 'token', 'content' => $_ } } @tokens );
} elsif( $xn->nodeName eq 'app' ) {
# Apparatus, just save the entire XML node.
push( @readings, { 'type' => 'app', 'content' => $xn } );
return @readings;
+sub _append_tokens {
+ my( $list, @tokens ) = @_;
+ if( @$list && $list->[-1]->{'content'} =~ /\#JOIN\#$/ ) {
+ # The list evidently ended mid-word; join the next token onto it.
+ my $t = shift @tokens;
+ if( ref $t && $t->{'type'} eq 'token' ) {
+ # Join the word
+ $t = $t->{'content'};
+ } elsif( ref $t ) {
+ # An app or anchor intervened; end the word.
+ unshift( @tokens, $t );
+ $t = '';
+ }
+ $list->[-1]->{'content'} =~ s/\#JOIN\#$/$t/;
+ }
+ foreach my $t ( @tokens ) {
+ unless( ref( $t ) ) {
+ $t = { 'type' => 'token', 'content' => $t };
+ }
+ push( @$list, $t );
+ }
sub _add_readings {
my( $c, $app_id ) = @_;
my $xn = $apps{$app_id};
my $ctr = 0;
my $tag = $app_id;
$tag =~ s/^\#APP_(.*)\#$/$1/;
foreach my $rdg ( $xn->getChildrenByTagName( 'rdg' ) ) {
my @text;
foreach ( $rdg->childNodes ) {
# Now collate the variant readings, since it is not done for us.
+ $DB::single = 1 if @lemma > 10;
collate_variants( $c, \@lemma, values %wit_rdgs );
# Now add the witness paths for each reading.
return $reading if $reading eq $lemma;
my $oldreading = $reading;
# $lemma =~ s/\s+[[:punct:]]+$//;
- # $reading =~ s/\s*\(?sic([\s\w.]+)?\)?$//;
my $flag; # In case of p.c. indications
my @words = split( /\s+/, $lemma );
if( $reading =~ /^(.*) praem.$/ ) {
$reading = $lemma;
} elsif( $reading =~ /locus [uv]acuus/
|| $reading eq 'def.'
+ || $reading eq 'illeg.'
+ || $reading eq 'onleesbar'
) {
$reading = '#LACUNA#';
} elsif( $reading eq 'om.' ) {
$reading = '';
- } elsif( $reading =~ /^in[uv]\.$/ ) {
+ } elsif( $reading =~ /^in[uv]\.$/
+ || $reading eq 'transp.' ) {
# Hope it is two words.
print STDERR "WARNING: want to invert a lemma that is not two words\n"
unless scalar( @words ) == 2;
# There was nothing before a correction.
$reading = '';
$flag = '_ac';
+ } elsif( $reading =~ /^(.*?)\s*\(?sic([\s\w.]+)?\)?$/ ) {
+ # Discard any 'sic' notation; indeed, indeed.
+ $reading = $1;
} elsif( $reading =~ /^(.*) \.\.\. (.*)$/ ) {
# The first and last N words captured should replace the first and
# last N words of the lemma.