- Doc typo fix in Collection::Bag (Sartak).
0.20 Thu June 25, 2009
- - MXAH is moving into core. This module will be deprecated when
- that finally happens.
- - Remove register_implementation methods from the traits because
- we don't want to conflict with cored AttributeHelpers. You'll need to
- specify the full package name for traits --
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Counter instead of Counter
+ - MXAH is moving into core. This module will be deprecated when
+ that finally happens.
+ - Remove register_implementation methods from the traits because
+ we don't want to conflict with cored AttributeHelpers. You'll need to
+ specify the full package name for traits --
+ MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Counter instead of Counter
- New provided method for hashs: elements (Returns the key, value
pairs in the hash as a flattened list) (plu)
- No functional changes from 0.18_01
0.18_01 Mon June 1, 2009
- - Turn our metaclasses into traits, though metaclasses still exist for
- backwards compatibility (Sartak and doy)
+ - Turn our metaclasses into traits, though metaclasses still exist for
+ backwards compatibility (Sartak and doy)
- Add accessor to Hash and Array (Sartak)
- - Let the user know which constraint they have violated in the confessed
- message (nperez)
+ - Let the user know which constraint they have violated in the confessed
+ message (nperez)
0.17 Fri April 19, 2009
- Add defined to Hash (Evan Carroll).