Revision history for Try-Tiny
+ - skip given, when tests on perls >= 5.41.3 which removed these constructs
0.31 2021-11-23 20:29:12Z
- plug Syntax::Keyword::Try and Feature::Compat::Try in the docs
plan skip_all => 'Perl 5.010 is required' unless "$]" >= '5.010';
plan skip_all => 'Tests skipped on perl 5.27.{7,8,9} when smartmatch behaviour changed' if "$]" >= '5.027007' and "$]" < '5.027010';
+ plan skip_all => 'given/when have been removed in perl 5.42' if "$]" >= '5.041003';
plan tests => 2;
plan skip_all => 'Perl 5.010 is required' unless "$]" >= '5.010';
plan skip_all => 'Tests skipped on perl 5.27.{7,8,9} when smartmatch behaviour changed' if "$]" >= '5.027007' and "$]" < '5.027010';
+ plan skip_all => 'given/when have been removed in perl 5.42' if "$]" >= '5.041003';
plan tests => 5;