Hash: SHA1
-SHA1 8209b79fe86e5a4a8698b8a3f13c6f05467bfbc8 CHANGES
+SHA1 ee66ae558ef004085fcfdd02cd48dbccfb03af99 CHANGES
SHA1 b41fb799702683e35ca968f55018175c8c6298e9 MANIFEST
SHA1 134aae6f44102ce9b0f7fa7a3710e41a0cd23646 MANIFEST.SKIP
-SHA1 08fcfb52a30000bd80a37f0ee91d917706690884 META.yml
+SHA1 b35ae97bcd1cc317531149f733fff1a2f28cfc5d META.yml
SHA1 6ed187e4890948dacf792b44ab18fa143a580ace Makefile.PL
-SHA1 3ddc18f9e90d5837031fcad6c6b62076512cc75a Size.xs
+SHA1 4c4f4df3225936dc661f604629650c791af0f932 Size.xs
SHA1 ceac99579ef3914de1936417282842c07d907a6a inc/Module/Install.pm
SHA1 6c9471c92c28e247fb84f4ab7dc277f68b33ea95 inc/Module/Install/Base.pm
SHA1 b2cb1026330e8c4f8533c79569498ab15f189d86 inc/Module/Install/Can.pm
SHA1 80d024f3eccf1c825b02b5e59de236b0af7d4bfc inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm
SHA1 fe6780ea5cfd67c79140699fbd4f0fe262255d57 inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm
SHA1 51d43bffcfd7ffdecb8c8e9f97f3896c31b2e1b2 inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm
-SHA1 11650747f74e8a932e7c35a626cf36754104264e lib/Devel/Size.pm
-SHA1 3b24073cb8b1a95aa924327aaa4463c24cbf3c47 t/basic.t
+SHA1 97173fa2e404110c943223b095662f72acc13e5f lib/Devel/Size.pm
+SHA1 69c981fd251d8017b9602799d15a7066fcd27c5e t/basic.t
SHA1 dc638392e64661dd07deeba11f67e35650a6384a t/pod.t
-SHA1 cab9b9f7a912f8a18e5301841da22dead08d00f3 t/pod_cov.t
-SHA1 5bb930d42d5b99e7ca23283ad848dcdc6b9565bc t/recurse.t
+SHA1 f4ffad1e7160c51cefcd003f88e1deb1c897b344 t/pod_cov.t
+SHA1 4cafa040d3ab66402270c8b8f7f1c7308157f19c t/recurse.t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
if (check_new(tracking_hash, baseop->op_next)) {
total_size += op_size(baseop->op_next, tracking_hash);
- if (check_new(tracking_hash, baseop->op_next)) {
- total_size += op_size(baseop->op_next, tracking_hash);
- }
switch (cc_opclass(baseop)) {
case OPc_BASEOP:
total_size += SvIVX(thing);
- /* A string with a float part? */
+ /* A scalar/string/reference with a float part? */
case SVt_PVNV:
total_size += sizeof(XPVNV);
total_size += SvROK(thing) ? thing_size( SvRV(thing), tracking_hash) : SvLEN(thing);
total_size += sizeof(XPVAV);
/* Is there anything in the array? */
if (AvMAX(thing) != -1) {
- total_size += sizeof(SV *) * AvMAX(thing);
+ /* an array with 10 slots has AvMax() set to 9 - te 2007-04-22 */
+ total_size += sizeof(SV *) * (AvMAX(thing) + 1);
+ /* printf ("total_size: %li AvMAX: %li av_len: %i\n", total_size, AvMAX(thing), av_len(thing)); */
/* Add in the bits on the other side of the beginning */
- /*
- printf ("total_size %li, sizeof(SV *) %li, AvARRAY(thing) %li, AvALLOC(thing)%li , sizeof(ptr) %li \n",
+ /* printf ("total_size %li, sizeof(SV *) %li, AvARRAY(thing) %li, AvALLOC(thing)%li , sizeof(ptr) %li \n",
total_size, sizeof(SV*), AvARRAY(thing), AvALLOC(thing), sizeof( thing )); */
/* under Perl 5.8.8 64bit threading, AvARRAY(thing) was a pointer while AvALLOC was 0,
if (check_new(tracking_hash, thing)) {
/* Is it valid? */
if (thing) {
+ /* printf ("Found type %i at %p\n", SvTYPE(thing), thing); */
/* Yes, it is. So let's check the type */
switch (SvTYPE(thing)) {
case SVt_RV:
if (SvROK(thing))
av_push(pending_array, SvRV(thing));
- }
+ }
case SVt_PVAV:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# When testing total_size(), always remember that it dereferences things, so
+# total_size([]) will NOT return the size of the ref + the array, it will only
+# return the size of the array alone!
use Test::More;
use strict;
chdir 't' if -d 't';
- plan tests => 5;
+ plan tests => 6 + 4 * 12;
use lib '../lib';
use lib '../blib/arch';
Devel::Size->import( qw(size total_size) );
die ("Uhoh, test uses outdated version of Devel::Size")
- unless is ($Devel::Size::VERSION, '0.67', 'VERSION MATCHES');
+ unless is ($Devel::Size::VERSION, '0.68', 'VERSION MATCHES');
-# #24846 (Does not correctly recurse into references in a PVNV-type scalar)
+# verify that pointer sizes in array slots are sensible:
+# create an array with 4 slots, 2 of them used
+my $array = [ 1,2,3,4 ]; pop @$array; pop @$array;
+# the total size minus the array itself minus two scalars is 4 slots
+my $ptr_size = total_size($array) - total_size( [] ) - total_size(1) * 2;
+is ($ptr_size % 4, 0, '4 pointers are dividable by 4');
+isnt ($ptr_size, 0, '4 pointers are not zero');
+# size of one slot ptr
+$ptr_size /= 4;
+# assert hash and hash key size
-my $size = 100;
my $hash = {};
+$hash->{a} = 1;
+is (total_size($hash), total_size( { a => undef } ) + total_size(1) - total_size(undef));
-my $empty_hash = total_size($hash);
+# #24846 (Does not correctly recurse into references in a PVNV-type scalar)
-$hash->{a} = 0/1;
-$hash->{a} = [];
+# run the following tests with different sizes
+for my $size (2, 3, 7, 100)
+ {
+ my $hash = { a => 1 };
+ # hash + key minus the value
+ my $hash_size = total_size($hash) - total_size(1);
+ $hash->{a} = 0/1;
+ $hash->{a} = [];
+ my $pvnv_size = total_size(\$hash->{a}) - total_size([]);
+ # size of one ref
+ my $ref_size = total_size(\\1) - total_size(1);
+ # $hash->{a} is now a PVNV, e.g. a scalar NV and a ref to an array:
+# SV = PVNV(0x81ff9a8) at 0x8170d48
+# REFCNT = 1
+# FLAGS = (ROK)
+# IV = 0
+# NV = 0
+# RV = 0x81717bc
+# SV = PVAV(0x8175d6c) at 0x81717bc
+# REFCNT = 1
+# FLAGS = ()
+# IV = 0
+# NV = 0
+# ARRAY = 0x0
+# FILL = -1
+# MAX = -1
+# ARYLEN = 0x0
+# PV = 0x81717bc ""
+# CUR = 0
+# LEN = 0
+ # Compare this to a plain array ref
+#SV = RV(0x81a2834) at 0x8207a2c
+# REFCNT = 1
+# RV = 0x8170b44
+# SV = PVAV(0x8175d98) at 0x8170b44
+# REFCNT = 2
+# FLAGS = ()
+# IV = 0
+# NV = 0
+# ARRAY = 0x0
+# FILL = -1
+# MAX = -1
+# ARYLEN = 0x0
+ # Get the size of the PVNV and the contained array
+ my $element_size = total_size(\$hash->{a});
+ ok ($element_size < total_size($hash), "element < hash with one element");
+ ok ($element_size > total_size(\[]), "PVNV + [] > [] alone");
+ # Dereferencing the PVNV (the argument to total_size) leaves us with
+ # just the array, and this should be equal to a dereferenced array:
+ is (total_size($hash->{a}), total_size([]), '[] vs. []');
+ # the hash with one key
+ # the PVNV in the hash
+ # the RV inside the PVNV
+ # the contents of the array (array size)
+ my $full_hash = total_size($hash);
+ my $array_size = total_size([]);
+ is ($full_hash, $element_size + $hash_size, 'properly recurses into PVNV');
+ is ($full_hash, $array_size + $pvnv_size + $hash_size, 'properly recurses into PVNV');
+ $hash->{a} = [0..$size];
+ # the outer references stripped away, so they should be the same
+ is (total_size([0..$size]), total_size( $hash->{a} ), "hash element vs. array");
+ # the outer references included, one is just a normal ref, while the other
+ # is a PVNV, so they shouldn't be the same:
+ isnt (total_size(\[0..$size]), total_size( \$hash->{a} ), "[0..size] vs PVNV");
+ # and the plain ref should be smaller
+ ok (total_size(\[0..$size]) < total_size( \$hash->{a} ), "[0..size] vs. PVNV");
+ $full_hash = total_size($hash);
+ $element_size = total_size(\$hash->{a});
+ $array_size = total_size(\[0..$size]);
+ print "# full_hash = $full_hash\n";
+ print "# hash_size = $hash_size\n";
+ print "# array size: $array_size\n";
+ print "# element size: $element_size\n";
+ print "# ref_size = $ref_size\n";
+ print "# pvnv_size: $pvnv_size\n";
+ # the total size is:
+ # the hash with one key
+ # the PVNV in the hash
+ # the RV inside the PVNV
+ # the contents of the array (array size)
+ is ($full_hash, $element_size + $hash_size, 'properly recurses into PVNV');
+# is ($full_hash, $array_size + $pvnv_size + $hash_size, 'properly recurses into PVNV');
+# repeat the former test, but mix in some undef elements
-my $hash_size = total_size($hash);
-my $element_size = total_size($hash->{a});
+ $array_size = total_size(\[0..$size, undef, undef]);
-ok ($element_size < $hash_size, "element < hash with one element");
+ $hash->{a} = [0..$size, undef, undef];
+ $element_size = total_size(\$hash->{a});
+ $full_hash = total_size($hash);
-my $array_size = total_size([0..$size]) - total_size( [] );
+ print "# full_hash = $full_hash\n";
+ print "# hash_size = $hash_size\n";
+ print "# array size: $array_size\n";
+ print "# element size: $element_size\n";
+ print "# ref_size = $ref_size\n";
+ print "# pvnv_size: $pvnv_size\n";
+ is ($full_hash, $element_size + $hash_size, 'properly recurses into PVNV');
+# repeat the former test, but use a pre-extended array
-$hash->{a} = [0..$size];
-my $full_hash = total_size($hash);
+ $array = [ 0..$size, undef, undef ]; pop @$array;
-#print "$full_hash\n";
-#print "$array_size\n";
-#print "$hash_size\n";
-#print "$element_size\n";
+ $array_size = total_size($array);
+ my $scalar_size = total_size(1) * (1+$size) + total_size(undef) * 1 + $ptr_size
+ + $ptr_size * ($size + 2) + total_size([]);
+ is ($scalar_size, $array_size, "computed right size if full array");
-# the total size is:
+ $hash->{a} = [0..$size, undef, undef]; pop @{$hash->{a}};
+ $full_hash = total_size($hash);
+ $element_size = total_size(\$hash->{a});
+ $array_size = total_size(\$array);
-# the contents of the array (array size)
-# the hash
-# the PVNV in the hash
-# the RV inside the PVNV
+ print "# full_hash = $full_hash\n";
+ print "# hash_size = $hash_size\n";
+ print "# array size: $array_size\n";
+ print "# element size: $element_size\n";
+ print "# ref_size = $ref_size\n";
+ print "# pvnv_size: $pvnv_size\n";
-is ($full_hash, $array_size + $hash_size, 'properly recurses into PVNV');
+ is ($full_hash, $element_size + $hash_size, 'properly handles undef/non-undef inside arrays');
+ } # end for different sizes