is( $t->stemma_count, 0, "No stemmas added yet" );
-my $answer = from_json( '{"status": 0, "job_id": "4", "algorithm": "RHM", "format": "newick", "start_time": "2013-10-26 10:44:14.050263", "result": "((((((((((((F,U),V),S),T1),T2),A),J),B),L),D),M),C);\n", "end_time": "2013-10-26 10:45:55.398944"}' );
+my $answer = from_json( '{"status": 0, "job_id": "4", "algorithm": "RHM", "format": "newick", "start_time": "2013-10-26 10:44:14.050263", "result": "((((((((((((_A_F,_A_U),_A_V),_A_S),_A_T1),_A_T2),_A_A),_A_J),_A_B),_A_L),_A_D),_A_M),_A_C);\n", "end_time": "2013-10-26 10:45:55.398944"}' );
my $newst = $t->record_stemweb_result( $answer );
is( scalar @$newst, 1, "New stemma was returned from record_stemweb_result" );
is( $newst->[0], $t->stemma(0), "Answer has the right object" );
ok( $t->stemma(0)->is_undirected, "New stemma is undirected as it should be" );
is( $t->stemma(0)->identifier, "RHM 1382784254_0", "Stemma has correct identifier" );
is( $t->stemma(0)->from_jobid, 4, "New stemma has correct associated job ID" );
+foreach my $wit ( $t->stemma(0)->witnesses ) {
+ ok( $t->has_witness( $wit ), "Extant stemma witness $wit exists in tradition" );
=end testing
if( $answer->{format} eq 'dot' ) {
$self->add_stemma( dot => $answer->{result} );
} elsif( $answer->{format} eq 'newick' ) {
+ my $realsig;
+ map { $realsig->{$_->ascii_sigil} = $_->sigil } $self->witnesses;
$stemmata = Text::Tradition::Stemma->new_from_newick( $answer->{result} );
my $title = sprintf( "%s %d", $answer->{algorithm},
str2time( $answer->{start_time}, 'UTC' ) );
my $ititle = $title . "_$i"; $i++;
$stemma->set_identifier( $ititle );
$stemma->_set_from_jobid( $jobid );
+ # Convert back from ASCII sigla
+ $stemma->rename_witnesses( $realsig, 1 );
$self->_add_stemma( $stemma );
} else {
return \@stemmata;
+=head2 rename_witnesses( \%namehash, $all_extant )
+Take a hash of old -> new sigil mappings, and change the names of the witnesses.
+sub rename_witnesses {
+ my( $self, $names, $all_extant ) = @_;
+ my $old = $self->graph;
+ my $newdot = $self->editable;
+ foreach my $k ( keys %$names ) {
+ my $v = $names->{$k};
+ $newdot =~ s/\b$k\b/$v/g;
+ }
+ $self->alter_graph( $newdot );
+ if( $all_extant ) {
+ foreach my $v ( values %$names ) {
+ $self->graph->set_vertex_attribute( $v, 'class', 'extant' );
+ }
+ foreach my $v ( $self->graph->vertices ) {
+ unless( $self->graph->has_vertex_attribute( $v, 'class' ) ) {
+ $self->graph->set_vertex_attribute( $v, 'class', 'hypothetical' );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach my $n ( $old->vertices ) {
+ my $v = $names->{$n};
+ my $class = $old->get_vertex_attribute( $n, 'class' );
+ $self->graph->set_vertex_attribute( $v, 'class', $class );
+ }
+ }
=head1 METHODS
=head2 as_dot( \%options )
is( $t->stemma_count, 0, "No stemmas added yet" );
-my $answer = from_json( '{"status": 0, "job_id": "4", "algorithm": "RHM", "format": "newick", "start_time": "2013-10-26 10:44:14.050263", "result": "((((((((((((F,U),V),S),T1),T2),A),J),B),L),D),M),C);\n", "end_time": "2013-10-26 10:45:55.398944"}' );
+my $answer = from_json( '{"status": 0, "job_id": "4", "algorithm": "RHM", "format": "newick", "start_time": "2013-10-26 10:44:14.050263", "result": "((((((((((((_A_F,_A_U),_A_V),_A_S),_A_T1),_A_T2),_A_A),_A_J),_A_B),_A_L),_A_D),_A_M),_A_C);\n", "end_time": "2013-10-26 10:45:55.398944"}' );
my $newst = $t->record_stemweb_result( $answer );
is( scalar @$newst, 1, "New stemma was returned from record_stemweb_result" );
is( $newst->[0], $t->stemma(0), "Answer has the right object" );
ok( $t->stemma(0)->is_undirected, "New stemma is undirected as it should be" );
is( $t->stemma(0)->identifier, "RHM 1382784254_0", "Stemma has correct identifier" );
is( $t->stemma(0)->from_jobid, 4, "New stemma has correct associated job ID" );
+foreach my $wit ( $t->stemma(0)->witnesses ) {
+ ok( $t->has_witness( $wit ), "Extant stemma witness $wit exists in tradition" );