package main;
$| = 1;
-use Test::More tests => 528;
+use Test::More tests => 535;
$a = new Oscalar "087";
is("$wham_eth", $string);
is ($crunch_eth->Pie("Blackbird"), "$string, Blackbird");
+ package numify_int;
+ use overload "0+" => sub { $_[0][0] += 1; 42 };
+ package numify_self;
+ use overload "0+" => sub { $_[0][0]++; $_[0] };
+ package numify_other;
+ use overload "0+" => sub { $_[0][0]++; $_[0][1] = bless [], 'numify_int' };
+ package main;
+ my $o = bless [], 'numify_int';
+ is(int($o), 42, 'numifies to integer');
+ is($o->[0], 1, 'int() numifies only once');
+ my $aref = [];
+ my $num_val = 0 + $aref;
+ my $r = bless $aref, 'numify_self';
+ is(int($r), $num_val, 'numifies to self');
+ is($r->[0], 1, 'int() numifies once when returning self');
+ my $s = bless [], 'numify_other';
+ is(int($s), 42, 'numifies to numification of other object');
+ is($s->[0], 1, 'int() numifies once when returning other object');
+ is($s->[1][0], 1, 'returned object numifies too');
dVAR; dSP; dTARGET; tryAMAGICun(int);
- const IV iv = TOPi; /* attempt to convert to IV if possible. */
+ SV *sv = TOPs;
+ IV iv;
/* XXX it's arguable that compiler casting to IV might be subtly
different from modf (for numbers inside (IV_MIN,UV_MAX)) in which
else preferring IV has introduced a subtle behaviour change bug. OTOH
relying on floating point to be accurate is a bug. */
- if (!SvOK(TOPs))
+ while (SvAMAGIC(sv)) {
+ SV *tsv = AMG_CALLun(sv,numer);
+ if (SvROK(tsv) && SvRV(tsv) == SvRV(sv)) {
+ SETi(PTR2IV(SvRV(sv)));
+ }
+ else
+ sv = tsv;
+ }
+ iv = SvIV(sv); /* attempt to convert to IV if possible. */
+ if (!SvOK(sv)) {
- else if (SvIOK(TOPs)) {
- if (SvIsUV(TOPs)) {
- const UV uv = TOPu;
- SETu(uv);
- } else
+ }
+ else if (SvIOK(sv)) {
+ if (SvIsUV(sv))
+ SETu(SvUV(sv));
+ else
- } else {
- const NV value = TOPn;
+ }
+ else if (SvROK(sv)) {
+ SETi(iv);
+ }
+ else {
+ const NV value = SvNV(sv);
if (value >= 0.0) {
if (value < (NV)UV_MAX + 0.5) {