our (%ix, %seen);
-sub newix { $_[0].'['.($ix{$_[0]}++).']' }
+sub _newix { $_[0].'['.($ix{$_[0]}++).']' }
+sub _getglob { \*{$_[0]} }
use B qw(svref_2object cstring);
use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr);
my ($self, $name, $ref) = @_;
local %ix = map +($_ => 0), qw(av hv sv);
local %seen;
- my $first = newix('sv');
+ my $first = _newix('sv');
my $body = $self->_dump_svrv($first, $ref);
my $vars = join '', map +(
$ix{$_} ? " ${\uc}* ${_}[$ix{$_}];\n" : ""
} else {
$seen{$ref} = $ix;
if ($r eq 'SCALAR') {
- my $t_ix = newix('sv');
+ my $t_ix = _newix('sv');
join '',
$self->_dump_sv($t_ix, $ref),
" ${ix} = newRV_noinc(${t_ix});\n";
} elsif ($r eq 'HASH') {
- my $t_ix = newix('hv');
+ my $t_ix = _newix('hv');
join '',
$self->_dump_hv($t_ix, $ref),
" ${ix} = newRV_noinc((SV *)${t_ix});\n";
} elsif ($r eq 'ARRAY') {
- my $t_ix = newix('av');
+ my $t_ix = _newix('av');
join '',
$self->_dump_av($t_ix, $ref),
" ${ix} = newRV_noinc((SV *)${t_ix});\n";
} elsif ($r eq 'REF') {
- my $t_ix = newix('sv');
+ my $t_ix = _newix('sv');
join '',
$self->_dump_svrv($t_ix, $$ref),
" ${ix} = newRV_noinc(${t_ix});\n";
+ } elsif ($r eq 'CODE') {
+ my $full_name = join '::',
+ map $_->NAME, map +($_->GV->STASH, $_->GV), svref_2object($ref);
+ if (*{_getglob($full_name)}{CODE}||'' eq $ref) {
+ # GV_ADD strikes me as more likely to DWIM than to simply blow up
+ # if the generated routine gets called before the method is declared.
+ " ${ix} = newRV_inc((SV *) get_cv(${\cstring $full_name}, GV_ADD));\n";
+ } else {
+ die "Can't find ${ref} at ${full_name}";
+ }
} else {
die "Can't handle reftype ${r}";
join '',
" ${ix} = newHV();\n",
map {
- my $t_ix = newix('sv');
+ my $t_ix = _newix('sv');
($self->_dump_sv($t_ix, \($ref->{$_})),
" hv_stores(${ix}, ${\cstring $_}, ${t_ix});\n")
} sort keys %$ref;
join '',
" ${ix} = newAV();\n",
map {
- my $t_ix = newix('sv');
+ my $t_ix = _newix('sv');
$self->_dump_sv($t_ix, \($ref->[$_])),
" av_push(${ix}, ${t_ix});\n"
} 0 .. $#$ref;