-my $tests=2 * 3 * @path_consts +
- 3 * @path_consts_terminal +
- 2 * 3 * @path_consts_fifo +
- 3 * @sys_consts;
+my $tests = 2 * 3 * @path_consts +
+ 2 * 3 * @path_consts_terminal +
+ 2 * 3 * @path_consts_fifo +
+ 3 * @sys_consts;
plan $tests
? (tests => $tests)
: (skip_all => "No tests to run on this OS")
- -c "/dev/tty"
- or skip("/dev/tty not a character file", 3 * @path_consts_terminal);
+ my $TTY = "/dev/tty";
+ my $n = 2 * 3 * @path_consts_terminal;
+ -c $TTY
+ or skip("$TTY not a character file", $n);
+ open(TTY, $TTY)
+ or skip("failed to open $TTY: $!", $n);
+ -t TTY
+ or skip("TTY ($TTY) not a terminal file", $n);
+ my $fd = fileno(TTY);
+ # testing fpathconf() on a terminal file
+ for my $constant (@path_consts_terminal) {
+ $r = eval { fpathconf( $fd, eval "$constant()" ) };
+ is( $@, '', qq[calling fpathconf($fd, $constant) ($TTY)] );
+ ok( defined $r, "\tchecking that the returned value is defined: $r" );
+ ok( looks_like_number($r), "\tchecking that the returned value looks like a number" );
+ }
+ close($fd);
# testing pathconf() on a terminal file
for my $constant (@path_consts_terminal) {
- $r = eval { pathconf( "/dev/tty", eval "$constant()" ) };
- is( $@, '', qq[calling pathconf("/dev/tty", $constant)] );
+ $r = eval { pathconf( $TTY, eval "$constant()" ) };
+ is( $@, '', qq[calling pathconf($TTY, $constant)] );
ok( defined $r, "\tchecking that the returned value is defined: $r" );
ok( looks_like_number($r), "\tchecking that the returned value looks like a number" );
for my $constant (@path_consts_fifo) {
$r = eval { fpathconf( $fd, eval "$constant()" ) };
- is( $@, '', "calling fpathconf($fd, $constant) " );
+ is( $@, '', "calling fpathconf($fd, $constant) ($fifo)" );
ok( defined $r, "\tchecking that the returned value is defined: $r" );
ok( looks_like_number($r), "\tchecking that the returned value looks like a number" );
+END {
+ 1 while unlink($fifo);
# testing sysconf()
for my $constant (@sys_consts) {