lib/Tie/ Base class for tied hashes with references as keys
lib/Tie/RefHash.t Test for Tie::RefHash and Tie::RefHash::Nestable
lib/Tie/ Base class for tied scalars
+lib/Tie/Scalar.t See if Tie::Scalar works
lib/Tie/ Compact hash for known key, value and table size
lib/Tie/SubstrHash.t Test for Tie::SubstrHash
lib/Time/ By-name interface to Perl's builtin gmtime
--- /dev/null
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+# this must come before main, or tests will fail
+package TieTest;
+use Tie::Scalar;
+use vars qw( @ISA );
+@ISA = qw( Tie::Scalar );
+sub new { 'Fooled you.' }
+package main;
+use vars qw( $flag );
+use Test::More tests => 13;
+use_ok( 'Tie::Scalar' );
+# these are "abstract virtual" parent methods
+for my $method qw( TIESCALAR FETCH STORE ) {
+ eval { Tie::Scalar->$method() };
+ like( $@, qr/doesn't define a $method/, "croaks on inherited $method()" );
+# the default value is undef
+my $scalar = Tie::StdScalar->TIESCALAR();
+is( $$scalar, undef, 'used TIESCALAR, default value is still undef' );
+# Tie::StdScalar redirects to TIESCALAR
+$scalar = Tie::StdScalar->new();
+is( $$scalar, undef, 'used new(), default value is still undef' );
+# this approach should work as well
+tie $scalar, 'Tie::StdScalar';
+is( $$scalar, undef, 'tied a scalar, default value is undef' );
+# first set, then read
+$scalar = 'fetch me';
+is( $scalar, 'fetch me', 'STORE() and FETCH() verified with one test!' );
+# test DESTROY with an object that signals its destruction
+ my $scalar = 'foo';
+ tie $scalar, 'Tie::StdScalar', DestroyAction->new();
+ ok( $scalar, 'tied once more' );
+ is( $flag, undef, 'destroy flag not set' );
+# $scalar out of scope, Tie::StdScalar::DESTROY() called, DestroyAction set flag
+is( $flag, 1, 'and DESTROY() works' );
+# we want some noise, and some way to capture it
+use warnings;
+my $warn;
+local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+ $warn = $_[0];
+# Tie::Scalar::TIEHANDLE should find and call TieTest::new and complain
+is( tie( my $foo, 'TieTest'), 'Fooled you.', 'delegated to new()' );
+like( $warn, qr/WARNING: calling TieTest->new/, 'caught warning fine' );
+package DestroyAction;
+sub new {
+ bless( \(my $self), $_[0] );
+sub DESTROY {
+ $main::flag = 1;