sub get_config_from_file {
my ($class, $file) = @_;
+ my $files_ref = ref $file eq 'ARRAY' ? $file : [$file];
my $can_config_any_args = $class->can('config_any_args');
my $extra_args = $can_config_any_args ?
$can_config_any_args->($class, $file) : {};
my $raw_cfany = Config::Any->load_files({
- use_ext => 1,
- files => [ $file ]
+ use_ext => 1,
+ files => $files_ref,
+ flatten_to_hash => 1,
} );
- die q{Specified configfile '} . $file
- . q{' does not exist, is empty, or is not readable}
- unless $raw_cfany->[0]
- && exists $raw_cfany->[0]->{$file};
+ my %raw_config;
+ foreach my $file_tested ( @{$files_ref} ) {
+ if ( ! exists $raw_cfany->{$file_tested} ) {
+ die qq{Specified configfile '$file_tested' does not exist, } .
+ q{is empty, or is not readable};
+ }
- my $raw_config = $raw_cfany->[0]->{$file};
+ my $cfany_hash = $raw_cfany->{$file_tested};
+ die "configfile must represent a hash structure in file: $file_tested"
+ unless $cfany_hash && ref $cfany_hash && ref $cfany_hash eq 'HASH';
- die "configfile must represent a hash structure"
- unless $raw_config && ref $raw_config && ref $raw_config eq 'HASH';
+ %raw_config = ( %raw_config, %{$cfany_hash} );
+ }
- $raw_config;
+ \%raw_config;
no Moose::Role; 1;
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use lib '../t/lib';
+ use Test::More;
+ eval "use YAML::Syck ()";
+ if($@) {
+ eval "use YAML ()";
+ if($@) {
+ plan skip_all => "YAML or YAML::Syck required for this test";
+ }
+ }
+ plan tests => 5;
+ use_ok('MXSimpleConfigTest');
+# Can it load a multiple YAML files with options
+ my $test_yaml; # generic filehandle
+ open $test_yaml, '>', 'test.yaml' or die "Cannot create test.yaml: $!";
+ print {$test_yaml} "direct_attr: 123\ninherited_ro_attr: asdf\n";
+ close $test_yaml or die "Cannot close test.yaml: $!";
+ open $test_yaml, '>', 'test2.yaml' or die "Cannot create test2.yaml: $!";
+ print {$test_yaml} "req_attr: foo\n";
+ close $test_yaml or die "Cannot close test.yaml: $!";
+ my $foo = eval {
+ MXSimpleConfigTest->new_with_config(
+ configfile => [ 'test.yaml', 'test2.yaml' ]
+ );
+ };
+ ok(!$@, 'Did not die with two YAML config files')
+ or diag $@;
+ is($foo->req_attr, 'foo', 'req_attr works');
+ is($foo->direct_attr, 123, 'direct_attr works');
+ is($foo->inherited_ro_attr, 'asdf', 'inherited_ro_attr works');
+END {
+ unlink('test.yaml');
+ unlink('test2.yaml');