qr/^No such $Field "notthere" in variable \$obj3 of type D3/,
"Compile failure of undeclared fields (helem)";
-# Slices
-# We should get compile time failures field name typos
-eval q(return; my D3 $obj3 = $obj2; my $k; @$obj3{$k,'notthere'} = ());
-like $@,
- qr/^No such $Field "notthere" in variable \$obj3 of type D3/,
- "Compile failure of undeclared fields (hslice)";
-eval q(return; my D3 $obj3 = $obj2; my $k; @{$obj3}{$k,'notthere'} = ());
- $@, qr/^No such $Field "notthere" in variable \$obj3 of type D3/,
- "Compile failure of undeclared fields (hslice (block form))";
+SKIP: {
+ # Slices
+ # We should get compile time failures field name typos
+ skip "Doesn't work before 5.9", 2 if $] < 5.009;
+ eval q(return; my D3 $obj3 = $obj2; my $k; @$obj3{$k,'notthere'} = ());
+ like $@,
+ qr/^No such $Field "notthere" in variable \$obj3 of type D3/,
+ "Compile failure of undeclared fields (hslice)";
+ eval q(return; my D3 $obj3 = $obj2; my $k; @{$obj3}{$k,'notthere'} = ());
+ like
+ $@, qr/^No such $Field "notthere" in variable \$obj3 of type D3/,
+ "Compile failure of undeclared fields (hslice (block form))";
@$obj1{"_b1", "b1"} = (17, 29);
is( $obj1->{_b1}, 17 );