Fix last-resort error message and do an explicit require (though
it should *not* be necessary people broke it somehow)
# temporary(?) until I get around to fix M::I wrt xt/
# needs Module::Install::AuthorTests
eval {
+ # this should not be necessary since the autoloader is supposed
+ # to work, but there were reports of it failing
+ require Module::Install::AuthorTests;
recursive_author_tests (qw/xt/);
} || do {
if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR && ! $args->{skip_author_deps}) {
my $err = $@;
+ # better error message in case of missing dep
eval { require Module::Install::AuthorTests }
|| die "\nYou need Module::Install::AuthorTests installed to run this Makefile.PL in author mode (or supply --skip_author_deps):\n\n$@\n";
- die $@;
+ die $err;