--- /dev/null
+package MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast;
+use Moose;
+our $VERSION = 0.0001;
+=head1 NAME
+MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast -
+ Emulate Class::Accessor::Fast behavior using Moose attributes
+=head1 SYNOPSYS
+ package MyClass;
+ use base 'MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast';
+ #or
+ use Moose;
+ extends 'MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast';
+ #fields with readers and writers
+ __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/field1 field2/);
+ #fields with readers only
+ __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/field3 field4/);
+ #fields with writers only
+ __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/field5 field6/);
+This module attempts to emulate the behavior of L<Class::Accessor::Fast> as
+accurately as possible using the Moose attribute system. The public API of
+C<Class::Accessor::Fast> is wholly supported, but the private methods are not.
+If you are only using the public methods (as you should) migration should be a
+matter of switching your C<use base> line.
+While I have attempted to emulate the behavior of Class::Accessor::Fast as closely
+as possible bugs may still be lurking in edge-cases.
+=head1 BEHAVIOR
+Simple documentation is provided here for your convenience, but for more thorough
+documentation please see L<Class::Accessor::Fast> and L<Class::Accessor>.
+=head2 A note about introspection
+Please note that, at this time, the C<is> flag attribute is not being set. To
+determine the C<reader> and C<writer> methods using introspection in later versions
+of L<Class::MOP> ( > 0.38) please use the C<get_read_method> and C<get_write_method>
+methods in L<Class::MOP::Attribute>. Example
+ # with Class::MOP <= 0.38
+ my $attr = $self->meta->find_attribute_by_name($field_name);
+ my $reader_method = $attr->reader || $attr->accessor;
+ my $writer_method = $attr->writer || $attr->accessor;
+ # with Class::MOP > 0.38
+ my $attr = $self->meta->find_attribute_by_name($field_name);
+ my $reader_method = $attr->get_read_method;
+ my $writer_method = $attr->get_write_method;
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 mk_accessors @field_names
+Create read-write accessors. An attribute named C<$field_name> will be created.
+The name of the c<reader> and C<writer> methods will be determined by the return
+value of C<accessor_name_for> and C<mutator_name_for>, which by default return the
+name passed unchanged. If the accessor and mutator names are equal the C<accessor>
+attribute will be passes to Moose, otherwise the C<reader> and C<writer> attributes
+will be passed. Please see L<Class::MOP::Attribute> for more information.
+sub mk_accessors{
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $meta = $self->meta;
+ for my $attr_name (@_){
+ my $reader = $self->accessor_name_for($attr_name);
+ my $writer = $self->mutator_name_for( $attr_name);
+ #dont overwrite existing methods
+ my @opts = $reader eq $writer ?
+ ( $self->can($reader) ? () : (accessor => $reader) ) :
+ (
+ ( $self->can($reader) ? () : (reader => $reader) ),
+ ( $self->can($writer) ? () : (writer => $writer) ),
+ );
+ $meta->add_attribute($attr_name, @opts);
+ $meta->add_method("_${attr_name}_accessor", $self->can($reader) )
+ if($reader eq $attr_name && !$self->can("_${attr_name}_accessor") );
+ }
+=head2 mk_ro_accessors @field_names
+Create read-only accessors.
+sub mk_ro_accessors{
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $meta = $self->meta;
+ for my $attr_name (@_){
+ my $reader = $self->accessor_name_for($attr_name);
+ $meta->add_attribute($attr_name,
+ $self->can($reader) ? () : (reader => $reader) );
+ $meta->add_method("_${attr_name}_accessor", $meta->find_method_by_name($reader))
+ if($reader eq $attr_name && !$self->can("_${attr_name}_accessor") );
+ }
+=head2 mk_ro_accessors @field_names
+Create write-only accessors.
+#this is retarded.. but we need it for compatibility or whatever.
+sub mk_wo_accessors{
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $meta = $self->meta;
+ for my $attr_name (@_){
+ my $writer = $self->mutator_name_for($attr_name);
+ $meta->add_attribute($attr_name, $self->can($writer) ? () : (writer => $writer) );
+ $meta->add_method("_${attr_name}_accessor", $meta->find_method_by_name($writer))
+ if($writer eq $attr_name && !$self->can("_${attr_name}_accessor") );
+ }
+=head2 follow_best_practices
+Preface readers with 'get_' and writers with 'set_'.
+See original L<Class::Accessor> documentation for more information.
+sub follow_best_practice{
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $meta = $self->meta;
+ $meta->remove_method('mutator_name_for');
+ $meta->remove_method('accessor_name_for');
+ $meta->add_method('mutator_name_for', sub{ return "set_".$_[1] });
+ $meta->add_method('accessor_name_for', sub{ return "get_".$_[1] });
+=head2 mutator_name_for
+=head2 accessor_name_for
+See original L<Class::Accessor> documentation for more information.
+sub mutator_name_for{ return $_[1] }
+sub accessor_name_for{ return $_[1] }
+=head2 set
+See original L<Class::Accessor> documentation for more information.
+sub set{
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $k = shift;
+ confess "Wrong number of arguments received" unless scalar @_;
+ #my $writer = $self->mutator_name_for( $k );
+ confess "No such attribute '$k'"
+ unless ( my $attr = $self->meta->find_attribute_by_name($k) );
+ my $writer = $attr->writer || $attr->accessor;
+ $self->$writer(@_ > 1 ? [@_] : @_);
+=head2 get
+See original L<Class::Accessor> documentation for more information.
+sub get{
+ my $self = shift;
+ confess "Wrong number of arguments received" unless scalar @_;
+ my @values;
+ #while( my $attr = $self->meta->find_attribute_by_name( shift(@_) ){
+ for( @_ ){
+ confess "No such attribute '$_'"
+ unless ( my $attr = $self->meta->find_attribute_by_name($_) );
+ my $reader = $attr->reader || $attr->accessor;
+ @_ > 1 ? push(@values, $self->$reader) : return $self->$reader;
+ }
+ return @values;
+=head2 meta
+See L<Moose::Meta::Class>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Moose>, L<Moose::Meta::Attribute>, L<Class::Accessor>, L<Class::Accessor::Fast>,
+L<Class::MOP::Attribute>, L<MooseX::Adopt::Class::Accessor::Fast>
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Guillermo Roditi (groditi) <groditi@cpan.org>
+=head1 LICENSE
+You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 32;
+my $class = "Testing::Class::Accessor::Fast";
+ no strict 'refs';
+ @{"${class}::ISA"} = ('Class::Accessor::Fast');
+ *{"${class}::car"} = sub { shift->_car_accessor(@_); };
+ *{"${class}::mar"} = sub { return "Overloaded"; };
+ $class->mk_accessors(qw( foo bar yar car mar ));
+ $class->mk_ro_accessors(qw(static unchanged));
+ $class->mk_wo_accessors(qw(sekret double_sekret));
+ $class->follow_best_practice;
+ $class->mk_accessors(qw( best));
+my %attrs = map{$_->name => $_} $class->meta->compute_all_applicable_attributes;
+is(keys %attrs, 10, 'Correct number of attributes');
+ok(exists $attrs{$_}, "Attribute ${_} created")
+ for qw( foo bar yar car mar static unchanged sekret double_sekret best );
+ok($class->can("_${_}_accessor"), "Attribute ${_} created")
+ for qw( foo bar yar car mar static unchanged sekret double_sekret );
+is( $attrs{$_}->accessor, $_, "Accessor ${_} created" )
+ for qw( foo bar yar);
+ok( !$attrs{$_}->has_accessor, "Accessor ${_} not created" )
+ for qw( car mar);
+is( $attrs{$_}->reader, $_, "Reader ${_} created")
+ for qw( static unchanged );
+is( $attrs{$_}->writer, $_, "Writer ${_} created")
+ for qw(sekret double_sekret);
+is( $attrs{'best'}->reader, 'get_best', "Reader get_best created");
+is( $attrs{'best'}->writer, 'set_best', "Writer set_best created");