Revision history for local::lib
+1.004000 2009-05-14
+ - Don't allow dangerous settings for that affect where CPAN
+ installs stuff, as this conflicts with what we're trying to do.
+ - Make sure that our Makefile is written to the correct directory when
+ bootstrapping (confound).
1.003004 2009-05-12
- Additional documentation and examples concerning having multiple
local::lib enviornments (amiri)
use strict;
use warnings;
-use vars qw($bootstrapping);
+use File::Spec;
+use Cwd;
+use vars qw($bootstrapping $bootstrapping_args);
+my $cwd;
+ $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
# watch out for fancy dashes. these can wind up in our @ARGV if the user is
# copypasting the bootstrap command from the POD displayed e.g. by perldoc
# on a Mac OS X terminal. since no software recognizes and handles these
if (my ($x) = grep { /^--bootstrap(?:=.*)?$/ } @ARGV) {
@ARGV = grep { !/^--bootstrap(?:=.*)?$/ } @ARGV;
$bootstrapping = 1;
- $x =~ /^--bootstrap(?:=(.*))?$/;
- my @args = (defined $1 ? ($1) : ());
+ my ($path) = $x =~ /^--bootstrap(?:=(.*))?$/;
+ my @args = $path ? $path : ();
local @INC = @INC;
+ my @libs = map { "-I$_" } split ':', $ENV{PERL5LIB};
+ $bootstrapping_args = "@libs";
- push(@ARGV, map { "-I$_" } split(':',$ENV{PERL5LIB}));
+ push(@ARGV, @libs);
system($^X, '-MExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.31', '-e1');
my $eumm = $? >> 8;
if ($cpan) {
system($^X, '-MCPAN', '-e', 'CPAN::Config->load; CPAN::Config->commit;');
+ chdir($cwd);
require CPAN;
delete $ENV{PERL5_CPANPLUS_IS_RUNNING} if $no_cpanplus_env;
+# and make sure that the user doesn't have any existing CPAN config that'll
+# cause us problems for the next few steps.
+require CPAN::HandleConfig;
+for my $eumm_setting ( qw/makepl_arg make_install_arg/ ) {
+ if ($CPAN::Config->{$eumm_setting} =~ /(?:PREFIX|INSTALL_BASE)/) {
+ die "Possibly invalid config detected in $eumm_setting: " . $CPAN::Config->{$eumm_setting};
+ }
+for my $mb_setting (qw/mbuild_arg mbuild_install_arg mbuildpl_arg/) {
+ if ($CPAN::Config->{$mb_setting} =~ /(?:--prefix|--install_base)/) {
+ die "Possibly invalid config detected in $mb_setting: " . $CPAN::Config->{$mb_setting};
+ }
if ($bootstrapping) {
+ postamble <<"END";
+PERL += $bootstrapping_args
+FULLPERL += $bootstrapping_args
} else {
use Carp ();
use Config;
-our $VERSION = '1.003004'; # 1.3.4
+our $VERSION = '1.004000'; # 1.4.0
sub import {
my ($class, @args) = @_;
the C<< use FindBin >> instructions in the "In code" sample above. If you did something like
the above, you have a set of Perl modules at C<< ~/mydir1/lib >>. If you have a script at
C<< ~/mydir1/scripts/ >>, you need to tell it where to find the modules you installed
-for it at C<< ~/mydir1/lib>>.
+for it at C<< ~/mydir1/lib >>.
In C<< ~/mydir1/scripts/ >>:
'--self-contained' feature contributed by Mark Stosberg <>.
-Doc patches for a custom local::lib patch contributed by Torsten Raudssus
+Doc patches for a custom local::lib directory contributed by Torsten Raudssus
Hans Dieter Pearcey <> sent in some additional tests for ensuring
-things will install properly.
+things will install properly, and furthermore submitted a fix for the bug
+causing problems with writing Makefiles during bootstrapping. Many thanks!
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