# For all the groups with more than one member, collect the list of all
# contiguous vertices needed to connect them.
- # TODO: deal with a.c. reading logic
- $DB::single = 1 if $rank == 25;
+ $DB::single = 1 if $rank == 733;
my $variant_row = analyze_variant_location( $group_readings, $groups,
$stemma->graph, $lacunose );
$variant_row->{'id'} = $rank;
# my @trees = @{$stemma->distance_trees};
# if( @trees ) {
# foreach my $tree ( 0 .. $#trees ) {
-# my $dc = analyze_variant_location( $group_readings, $groups, $tree );
+# my $dc = analyze_variant_location( $group_readings, $groups, $tree, $lacunose, 'undirected' );
# foreach my $rdg ( keys %$dc ) {
# my $var = $dc->{$rdg};
# # TODO Do something with this
# -> readings [ { text, group, conflict, missing } ]
sub analyze_variant_location {
- my( $group_readings, $groups, $graph, $lacunose ) = @_;
+ my( $group_readings, $groups, $graph, $lacunose, $undirected ) = @_;
my %contig;
+ my %subgraph;
+ my $is_conflicted;
my $conflict = {};
my %missing;
map { $missing{$_} = 1 } @$lacunose;
my $gst = wit_stringify( $g );
map { $contig{$_} = $gst } @$g;
+ # Now for each unmarked node in the graph, initialize an array
+ # for possible group memberships. We will use this later to
+ # resolve potential conflicts.
+ map { $contig{$_} = [] unless $contig{$_} } $graph->vertices;
foreach my $g ( sort { scalar @$b <=> scalar @$a } @$groups ) {
- my $gst = wit_stringify( $g );
+ my $gst = wit_stringify( $g ); # This is the group name
+ my $reachable = { $g->[0] => 1 };
# Copy the graph, and delete all non-members from the new graph.
- my $part = $graph->undirected_copy;
- map { $part->delete_vertex( $_ )
- if $contig{$_} && $contig{$_} ne $gst } $graph->vertices;
- # Now all the members of the group should still be reachable
- # from the first member.
- my %reachable = ( $g->[0] => 1 );
- map { $reachable{$_} = 1 } $part->all_reachable( $g->[0] );
- # ...and none of these nodes should be marked as being in another
- # group.
- foreach ( keys %reachable ) {
- if( $contig{$_} && $contig{$_} ne $gst ) {
+ my $part = $graph->copy;
+ my $group_root;
+ $part->delete_vertices(
+ grep { !ref( $contig{$_} ) && $contig{$_} ne $gst } $graph->vertices );
+ # Now look to see if our group is connected.
+ if( $undirected ) { # For use with distance trees etc.
+ # Find all vertices reachable from the first (arbitrary) group
+ # member. If we are genealogical this should include them all.
+ map { $reachable->{$_} = 1 } $part->all_reachable( $g->[0] );
+ # TODO This is a terrible way to do distance trees, since all
+ # non-leaf nodes are included in every graph part now. We may
+ # have to go back to SPDP.
+ } else {
+ if( @$g > 1 ) {
+ # Dispense with the trivial case of one reading.
+ # We have to take directionality into account.
+ # How many root nodes do we have?
+ my @roots = grep { ref( $contig{$_} ) || $contig{$_} eq $gst }
+ $part->source_vertices;
+ # Assuming that @$g > 1, find the first root node that has at
+ # least one successor belonging to our group. If this reading
+ # is genealogical, there should be only one, but we will check
+ # that implicitly later.
+ my $nodes_in_subtree = 0;
+ foreach my $root ( @roots ) {
+ # Prune the tree down to the first root that either is extant
+ # or has more than one successor.
+ while( $part->successors( $root ) == 1 && ref $contig{$root} ) {
+ my @nextroot = $part->successors( $root );
+ $part->delete_vertex( $root );
+ $root = $nextroot[0];
+ }
+ # Get all the successor nodes of our root.
+ my $tmp_reach = { $root => 1 };
+ map { $tmp_reach->{$_} = 1 } $part->all_successors( $root );
+ # Skip this root if none of our successors are in our group
+ # (e.g. isolated 'hypothetical' witnesses with no group)
+ next unless grep { $contig{$_} } keys %$tmp_reach;
+ if( keys %$tmp_reach > $nodes_in_subtree ) {
+ $nodes_in_subtree = keys %$tmp_reach;
+ $reachable = $tmp_reach;
+ $group_root = $root;
+ }
+ }
+ } # else it is a single-node group, nothing to calculate.
+ }
+ # None of the 'reachable' nodes should be marked as being in another
+ # group. Paint the 'hypotheticals' with our group while we are at it,
+ # unless there is a conflict present.
+ foreach ( keys %$reachable ) {
+ if( ref $contig{$_} ) {
+ push( @{$contig{$_}}, $gst );
+ } elsif( $contig{$_} ne $gst ) {
$conflict->{$group_readings->{$gst}} = $group_readings->{$contig{$_}};
- } else {
- $contig{$_} = $gst;
- }
+ } # else it is an 'extant' node marked with our group already.
# None of the unreachable nodes should be in our group either.
foreach ( $part->vertices ) {
- next if $reachable{$_};
- $conflict->{$group_readings->{$gst}} = $group_readings->{$gst}
- if $contig{$_} && $contig{$_} eq $gst;
+ next if $reachable->{$_};
+ if( $contig{$_} eq $gst ) {
+ $conflict->{$group_readings->{$gst}} = $group_readings->{$gst};
+ last;
+ }
+ # Now, if we have a conflict, we can write the reading in full. If not,
+ # we have to save the subgraph so that we can resolve possible conflicts
+ # on hypothetical nodes.
+ $is_conflicted = 1 if exists $conflict->{$group_readings->{$gst}};
# Write the reading.
my $reading = { 'text' => $group_readings->{$gst},
'missing' => wit_stringify( $lacunose ),
- 'conflict' => exists( $conflict->{$group_readings->{$gst}} ) };
- if( $reading->{'conflict'} ) {
- $reading->{'group'} = $gst;
+ 'group' => $gst }; # This will change if we find no conflict
+ if( $is_conflicted ) {
+ $reading->{'conflict'} = $conflict->{$group_readings->{$gst}}
} else {
- my @all_vertices = grep { !$missing{$_} } keys %reachable;
- $reading->{'group'} = wit_stringify( \@all_vertices );
+ # Save the relevant subgraph.
+ $subgraph{$gst} = { 'graph' => $part,
+ 'root' => $group_root,
+ 'reachable' => $reachable };
push( @{$variant_row->{'readings'}}, $reading );
+ # Now that we have gone through all the rows, check the hypothetical
+ # readings for conflict if we haven't found one yet.
+ if( keys %subgraph && !keys %$conflict ) {
+ my @resolve;
+ foreach ( keys %contig ) {
+ next unless ref $contig{$_};
+ if( scalar @{$contig{$_}} > 1 ) {
+ push( @resolve, $_ );
+ } else {
+ $contig{$_} = scalar @{$contig{$_}} ? $contig{$_}->[0] : '';
+ }
+ }
+ # Do we still have a possible conflict?
+ my %still_contig;
+ foreach my $h ( @resolve ) {
+ # For each of the hypothetical readings with more than one possibility,
+ # try deleting it from each of its member subgraphs in turn, and see
+ # if that breaks the contiguous grouping.
+ # TODO This can still break in a corner case where group A can use
+ # either vertex 1 or 2, and group B can use either vertex 2 or 1.
+ # Revisit this if necessary; it could get brute-force nasty.
+ foreach my $gst ( @{$contig{$h}} ) {
+ my $gpart = $subgraph{$gst}->{'graph'}->copy;
+ my $reachable = $subgraph{$gst}->{'reachable'};
+ $gpart->delete_vertex( $h );
+ # Is everything else still reachable from the root?
+ # TODO If $h was the root, see if we still have a single root.
+ my %still_reachable = ( $subgraph{$gst}->{'root'} => 1 );
+ map { $still_reachable{$_} = 1 }
+ $gpart->all_successors( $subgraph{$gst}->{'root'} );
+ foreach my $v ( keys %$reachable ) {
+ next if $v eq $h;
+ if( !$still_reachable{$v}
+ && ( $contig{$v} eq $gst
+ || ( exists $still_contig{$v}
+ && $still_contig{$v} eq $gst ) ) ) {
+ # We need $h.
+ if( exists $still_contig{$h} ) {
+ # Conflict!
+ $conflict->{$group_readings->{$gst}} =
+ $group_readings->{$still_contig{$h}};
+ } else {
+ $still_contig{$h} = $gst;
+ }
+ last;
+ } # else we don't need $h in this group.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Now, assuming no conflict, we have some hypothetical vertices in
+ # $still_contig that are the "real" group memberships. Replace these
+ # in $contig.
+ unless ( keys %$conflict ) {
+ foreach my $v ( keys %contig ) {
+ next unless ref $contig{$v};
+ $contig{$v} = $still_contig{$v};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Now write the group and conflict information into the respective rows.
+ foreach my $rdg ( @{$variant_row->{'readings'}} ) {
+ $rdg->{'conflict'} = $conflict->{$rdg->{'text'}};
+ next if $rdg->{'conflict'};
+ my @members = grep { $contig{$_} eq $rdg->{'group'} && !$missing{$_} }
+ keys %contig;
+ $rdg->{'group'} = wit_stringify( \@members );
+ }
$variant_row->{'genealogical'} = !( keys %$conflict );
return $variant_row;