in the wrong order.
- columns/+columns attributes now support { as => select } hahsrefs
- support for views both in DBIC and via deploy() in SQLT
+ - test for not dying if a column isn't loaded after insert and a rel using
+ it is called. (eg ->new({ name => 'foo'})->bar if bar uses bar_id)
0.08099_06 2009-01-23 07:30:00 (UTC)
- Allow a scalarref to be supplied to the 'from' resultset attribute
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-plan tests => 70;
+plan tests => 71;
# has_a test
my $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(4);
if ($INC{'DBICTest/'}) {
$artist->add_to_cds({ title => 'Big Flop', year => 2005 });
} else {
- $artist->create_related( 'cds', {
+ my $big_flop = $artist->create_related( 'cds', {
title => 'Big Flop',
year => 2005,
} );
+ lives_ok { $big_flop->genre} "Don't throw exception when col is not loaded after insert";
my $big_flop_cd = ($artist->search_related('cds'))[3];