return $composed_name if $COMPOSED{role}{$composed_name};
$me->_install_methods($composed_name, $role);
my $base_name = $composed_name.'::_BASE';
- *{_getglob("${composed_name}::ISA")} = [ $base_name ];
+ # Not using _getglob, since setting @ISA via the typeglob breaks
+ # inheritance on 5.10.0 if the stash has previously been accessed an
+ # then a method called on the class (in that order!), which
+ # ->_install_methods (with the help of ->_install_does) ends up doing.
+ { no strict 'refs'; @{"${composed_name}::ISA"} = ( $base_name ); }
my $modifiers = $INFO{$role}{modifiers}||[];
my @mod_base;
foreach my $modified (
--- /dev/null
+use strictures 1;
+use Test::More;
+ plan skip_all => "Class::Method::Modifiers not installed"
+ unless eval "use Class::Method::Modifiers; 1";
+ package One; use Role::Tiny;
+ around foo => sub { my $orig = shift; (__PACKAGE__, $orig->(@_)) };
+ package Two; use Role::Tiny;
+ around foo => sub { my $orig = shift; (__PACKAGE__, $orig->(@_)) };
+ package Three; use Role::Tiny;
+ around foo => sub { my $orig = shift; (__PACKAGE__, $orig->(@_)) };
+ package Four; use Role::Tiny;
+ around foo => sub { my $orig = shift; (__PACKAGE__, $orig->(@_)) };
+ package Base; sub foo { __PACKAGE__ }
+foreach my $combo (
+ [ qw(One Two Three Four) ],
+ [ qw(Two Four Three) ],
+ [ qw(One Two) ]
+) {
+ my $combined = Role::Tiny->create_class_with_roles('Base', @$combo);
+ is_deeply(
+ [ $combined->foo ], [ reverse(@$combo), 'Base' ],
+ "${combined} ok"
+ );
+ my $object = bless({}, 'Base');
+ Role::Tiny->apply_roles_to_object($object, @$combo);
+ is(ref($object), $combined, 'Object reblessed into correct class');