However, if you are not polling or waiting for events (e.g. you are filtering them), then you must call pump_events to force an event queue update.
-=head2 peep_events
+=head2 peep_events (event, num_events, action, mask)
+Checks the event queue for messages and optionally returns them.
+ my $num_peep_events = SDL::Events::peep_events($event, 127, SDL_PEEKEVENT, SDL_ALLEVENTS);
+If action is SDL_ADDEVENT, up to numevents events will be added to the back of the event queue.
+If action is SDL_PEEKEVENT, up to numevents events at the front of the event queue, matching mask, will be returned and will not be removed from the queue.
+If action is SDL_GETEVENT, up to numevents events at the front of the event queue, matching mask, will be returned and will be removed from the queue.
+The mask parameter is a bitwise OR of SDL::Events::SDL_EVENTMASK(event_type), for all event types you are interested in
+This function is thread-safe.
+You may have to call pump_events before calling this function. Otherwise, the events may not be ready to be filtered when you call peep_events.
+Examples of mask:
+=head3 RETURN
+Number of Events actually stored or -1 if there was an error
=head2 poll_event