implements 'layout_set_for' => as {
my ($self, $vp) = @_;
- #print STDERR "Getting layoutset for VP ".(ref($vp) || "SC:".$vp)."\n";
my $lset_name = eval { $vp->layout };
confess "Couldn't call layout method on \$vp arg ${vp}: $@" if $@;
- unless (length($lset_name)) {
- my $vp_class = ref($vp) || $vp;
- my ($last) = ($vp_class =~ /.*(?:::ViewPort::)(.+?)$/);
- my @fragments = split('::', $last);
- $_ = join("_", split(/(?=[A-Z])/, $_)) for @fragments;
- $lset_name = lc(join('/', @fragments));
- #print STDERR "--- $vp_class is rendered as $lset_name\n";
- }
+ $lset_name = $self->layout_set_name_from_viewport( blessed($vp) )
+ unless (length($lset_name));
my $cache = $self->_layout_set_cache;
return $cache->{$lset_name} ||= $self->create_layout_set($lset_name);
+ #XXX if it ever comes to it: this could be memoized. not bothering yet.
+ implements 'layout_set_name_from_viewport' => as {
+ my ($self, $class) = @_;
+ my ($last) = ($class =~ /.*(?:::ViewPort::)(.+?)$/);
+ #split when a non-uppercase letter meets an uppercase or when an
+ #uppercase letter is followed by another uppercase and then a non-uppercase
+ #FooBar = foo_bar; Foo_Bar = foo_bar; FOOBar = foo_bar; FooBAR = foo_bar
+ my @fragments = map {
+ join("_", split(/(?:(?<=[A-Z])(?=[A-Z][^_A-Z])|(?<=[^_A-Z])(?=[A-Z]))/, $_))
+ } split('::', $last);
+ return lc(join('/', @fragments));
+ };
implements 'layout_set_file_extension' => as {
confess View." is abstract, you must subclass it";
--- /dev/null
+package RTest::UI::View;
+use base qw/Reaction::Test/;
+use Reaction::Class;
+use Test::More ();
+use Reaction::UI::View ;
+#has 'view' => (isa => 'Reaction::UI::View', is => 'ro', lazy_build => 1);
+#view doesn't yet have TCs for this so ican get away with it ...
+#sub _build_view {
+# Reaction::UI::View->new(
+# );
+sub test_layoutset_name_generation :Tests {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %cases =
+ (
+ 'MyApp::ViewPort::FooBar' => 'foo_bar',
+ 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Foo_Bar' => 'foo_bar',
+ 'MyApp::UI::ViewPort::FOOBar::fooBAR' => 'foo_bar/foo_bar',
+ 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::FooBARBaz::FooBAR_' => 'foo_bar_baz/foo_bar_',
+ );
+ while(my($class,$layout) = each %cases ){
+ my $res = Reaction::UI::View->layout_set_name_from_viewport($class);
+ Test::More::is($res,$layout,"layoutset name for $class")
+ }
use Reaction::UI::Window;
use aliased 'RTest::UI::Window::_::TestViewPort';
-has 'window' => (
- isa => 'Reaction::UI::Window', is => 'rw',
- set_or_lazy_build('window')
+has 'window' => (isa => 'Reaction::UI::Window', is => 'rw', lazy_build => 1);
-sub build_window {
+sub _build_window {
my $self = shift;
return Reaction::UI::Window->new(
ctx => bless({}, 'Reaction::Test::Mock::Context'),