in #moose
04:40 <@doy> perigrin: you have a typo in the docs (Age vs ValidAge), and you
should add a Changes entry
- Added a with_immutable test function, to run a block of tests with and
without certain classes being immutable. (doy)
+ *
+ - Add Moose::Util::TypeConstraints exports to allow easier testing
+ of TypeConsraints from the command line. (perigrin)
* Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe4
- Grammar error [ #51791] (Amir E. Aharoni)
perl -Moose=+My::Class -e 'print join ", " => __PACKAGE__->meta->get_method_list'
# also loads Moose::Util::TypeConstraints to allow subtypes etc
- perl -Moose=Person -e'subtype q[Age] => as q[Int] => where { $_ > 0 && $_ < 78 }; has => age ( isa => q[ValidAge], is => q[ro]); Person->new(age => 90)'
+ perl -Moose=Person -e'subtype q[ValidAge] => as q[Int] => where { $_ > 0 && $_ < 78 }; has => age ( isa => q[ValidAge], is => q[ro]); Person->new(age => 90)'