If you're not an accidental programmer, but a more serious and
possibly even degreed computer scientist who doesn't need as much
hand-holding as we try to provide in the Llama, please check out the
-delightful book, I<Perl: The Programmer's Companion>, written by Nigel
+delightful book
-If you are more at home in Windows, I<Learning Perl on Win32 Systems>
-(the "Gecko Book") is available (unfortunately rather dated).
+ Perl: The Programmer's Companion
+ by Nigel Chapman
+ ISBN 0-471-97563-X [1997, 3rd printing Spring 1998]
+ http://www.wiley.com/compbooks/catalog/97563-X.htm
+ http://www.wiley.com/compbooks/chapman/perl/perltpc.html (errata etc)
- Learning Perl on Win32 Systems
+If you are more at home in Windows the following is available
+(though unfortunately rather dated).
+ Learning Perl on Win32 Systems (the "Gecko Book")
by Randal L. Schwartz, Erik Olson, and Tom Christiansen,
with foreword by Larry Wall
ISBN 1-56592-324-3 [1st edition August 1997]
Perl: The Programmer's Companion
by Nigel Chapman
- ISBN 0-471-97563-X [1st edition October 1997]
- http://catalog.wiley.com/title.cgi?isbn=047197563X
+ ISBN 0-471-97563-X [1997, 3rd printing Spring 1998]
+ http://www.wiley.com/compbooks/catalog/97563-X.htm
+ http://www.wiley.com/compbooks/chapman/perl/perltpc.html (errata etc)
Cross-Platform Perl
by Eric Foster-Johnson