no strict 'refs';
- for my $class ($self->meta->linearized_isa) {
- my $code = *{ $class . '::DEMOLISH' }{CODE}
- or next;
- $code->($self, @_);
+ my @isa;
+ if ( my $meta = Mouse::class_of($self) ) {
+ @isa = $meta->linearized_isa;
+ } else {
+ # We cannot count on being able to retrieve a previously made
+ # metaclass, _or_ being able to make a new one during global
+ # destruction. However, we should still be able to use mro at
+ # that time (at least tests suggest so ;)
+ my $class_name = ref $self;
+ @isa = @{ mro::get_linear_isa($class_name) }
+ }
+ foreach my $class (@isa) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $demolish = *{"${class}::DEMOLISH"}{CODE};
+ $self->$demolish
+ if defined $demolish;