sub has_table {
my $caller = shift;
- $caller->meta()->table(shift);
+ $caller->meta->table(shift);
This recipe expands on the use of L<Moose::Exporter> we saw in
L<Moose::Cookbook::Extending::Recipe1>. Instead of providing our own
object base class, we provide our own metaclass class, and we also
-export a sugar subroutine C<has_table()>.
+export a C<has_table> sugar function.
Given the above code, you can now replace all instances of C<use
Moose> with C<use MyApp::Mooseish>. Similarly, C<no Moose> is now
All of the normal Moose sugar (C<has()>, C<with()>, etc) is available
when you C<use MyApp::Mooseish>.
+Providing sugar functions can make your extension look much more
+Moose-ish. See L<Fey::ORM> for a more extensive example.
=head1 AUTHOR
Dave Rolsky E<lt>autarch@urth.orgE<gt>