Revision history for Perl extension Class-MOP.
+ * MOP.xs
+ - Don't use Perl_mro_meta_init. It's not part of the public perl api.
+ (Florian Ragwitz)
* Class::MOP::Attribute
- - Allow default values to be objects with overloaded codification
- (Florian Ragwitz).
- - Test the above (Rhesa Rozendaal).
+ - Allow default values to be objects with overloaded codification.
+ (Florian Ragwitz)
+ - Test the above. (Rhesa Rozendaal)
* t/082_get_code_info.t
- Add $^P &= ~0x200; (per Ovid's suggestion) in order to not munger
anonymous subs when under -d and so making the tests succeed