There's a lot more to networking than this, but this should get you
-For intrepid programmers, the indispensable textbook is I<Unix Network
-Programming> by W. Richard Stevens (published by Addison-Wesley). Note
-that most books on networking address networking from the perspective of
-a C programmer; translation to Perl is left as an exercise for the reader.
+For intrepid programmers, the indispensable textbook is I<Unix
+Network Programming, 2nd Edition, Volume 1> by W. Richard Stevens
+(published by Prentice-Hall). Note that most books on networking
+address the subject from the perspective of a C programmer; translation
+to Perl is left as an exercise for the reader.
The IO::Socket(3) manpage describes the object library, and the Socket(3)
manpage describes the low-level interface to sockets. Besides the obvious