use DBIx::Class::Exception;
use Class::Accessor::Grouped;
use Path::Class qw(dir file);
+use File::Spec::Functions 'catfile', 'catdir';
use Config::Any::JSON;
use Data::Dump::Streamer;
use Data::Visitor::Callback;
use Hash::Merge qw( merge );
use Data::Dumper;
use Class::C3::Componentised;
+use MIME::Base64;
use base qw(Class::Accessor::Grouped);
our $namespace_counter = 0;
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors( 'simple' => qw/config_dir
- _inherited_attributes debug schema_class dumped_objects/);
+ _inherited_attributes debug schema_class dumped_objects config_attrs/);
=head1 VERSION
-our $VERSION = '1.001013';
+our $VERSION = '1.001014';
=head1 NAME
This value will be inherited by all fetches in this set. This is not true for
the has_many attribute.
+=head2 external
+In some cases your database information might be keys to values in some sort of
+external storage. The classic example is you are using L<DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::FS>
+to store blob information on the filesystem. In this case you may wish the ability
+to backup your external storage in the same way your database data. The L</external>
+attribute lets you specify a handler for this type of issue. For example:
+ {
+ "sets": [{
+ "class": "Photo",
+ "quantity": "all",
+ "external": {
+ "file": {
+ "class": "File",
+ "args": {"path":"__ATTR(photo_dir)__"}
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ }
+This would use L<DBIx::Class::Fixtures::External::File> to read from a directory
+where the path to a file is specified by the C<file> field of the C<Photo> source.
+We use the uninflated value of the field so you need to completely handle backup
+and restore. For the common case we provide L<DBIx::Class::Fixtures::External::File>
+and you can create your own custom handlers by placing a '+' in the namespace:
+ "class": "+MyApp::Schema::SomeExternalStorage",
+Although if possible I'd love to get patches to add some of the other common
+types (I imagine storage in MogileFS, Redis, etc or even Amazon might be popular.)
+See L<DBIx::Class::Fixtures::External::File> for the external handler interface.
=head2 cond
Same as with L</SET ATTRIBUTES>
+You can provide the following substitution patterns for your rule values. An
+example of this might be:
+ {
+ "sets": [{
+ "class": "Photo",
+ "quantity": "__ENV(NUMBER_PHOTOS_DUMPED)__",
+ }]
+ }
+=head2 ENV
+Provide a value from %ENV
+=head2 ATTR
+Provide a value from L</config_attrs>
+=head2 catfile
+Create the path to a file from a list
+=heade catdir
+Create the path to a directory from a list
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
ignore errors on import of DDL etc
+=item config_attrs
+A hash of information you can use to do replacements inside your configuration
+sets. For example, if your set looks like:
+ {
+ "sets": [ {
+ "class": "Artist",
+ "ids": ["1", "3"],
+ "fetch": [ {
+ "rel": "cds",
+ "quantity": "__ATTR(quantity)__",
+ } ]
+ } ]
+ }
+ my $fixtures = DBIx::Class::Fixtures->new( {
+ config_dir => '/home/me/app/fixture_configs'
+ config_attrs => {
+ quantity => 100,
+ },
+ });
+You may wish to do this if you want to let whoever runs the dumps have a bit
+more control
my $fixtures = DBIx::Class::Fixtures->new( {
debug => $params->{debug} || 0,
ignore_sql_errors => $params->{ignore_sql_errors},
dumped_objects => {},
- use_create => $params->{use_create} || 0
+ use_create => $params->{use_create} || 0,
+ config_attrs => $params->{config_attrs} || {},
bless $self, $class;
+ # write our current config set
+ $tmp_output_dir->file('_config_set')
+ ->openw
+ ->print( Dumper $config );
$config->{rules} ||= {};
my @sources = sort { $a->{class} cmp $b->{class} } @{delete $config->{sets}};
sub dump_object {
my ($self, $object, $params) = @_;
my $set = $params->{set};
+ my $v = Data::Visitor::Callback->new(
+ plain_value => sub {
+ my ($visitor, $data) = @_;
+ my $subs = {
+ ENV => sub {
+ my ( $self, $v ) = @_;
+ if (! defined($ENV{$v})) {
+ return "";
+ } else {
+ return $ENV{ $v };
+ }
+ },
+ ATTR => sub {
+ my ($self, $v) = @_;
+ if(my $attr = $self->config_attrs->{$v}) {
+ return $attr;
+ } else {
+ return "";
+ }
+ },
+ catfile => sub {
+ my ($self, @args) = @_;
+ catfile(@args);
+ },
+ catdir => sub {
+ my ($self, @args) = @_;
+ catdir(@args);
+ },
+ };
+ my $subsre = join( '|', keys %$subs );
+ $_ =~ s{__($subsre)(?:\((.+?)\))?__}{ $subs->{ $1 }->( $self, $2 ? split( /,/, $2 ) : () ) }eg;
+ return $_;
+ }
+ );
+ $v->visit( $set );
die 'no dir passed to dump_object' unless $params->{set_dir};
die 'no object passed to dump_object' unless $object;
join('-', map { s|[/\\]|_|g; $_; } @pk_vals) . '.fix'
# write file
unless ($exists) {
$self->msg('-- dumping ' . $file->stringify, 2);
my %ds = $object->get_columns;
+ if($set->{external}) {
+ foreach my $field (keys %{$set->{external}}) {
+ my $key = $ds{$field};
+ my ($plus, $class) = ( $set->{external}->{$field}->{class}=~/^(\+)*(.+)$/);
+ my $args = $set->{external}->{$field}->{args};
+ $class = "DBIx::Class::Fixtures::External::$class" unless $plus;
+ eval "use $class";
+ $ds{external}->{$field} =
+ encode_base64( $class
+ ->backup($key => $args));
+ }
+ }
# mess with dates if specified
if ($set->{datetime_relative}) {
my $formatter= $object->result_source->schema->storage->datetime_parser;
$self->msg("\nimporting fixtures");
my $tmp_fixture_dir = dir($fixture_dir, "-~populate~-" . $<);
my $version_file = file($fixture_dir, '_dumper_version');
+ my $config_set_path = file($fixture_dir, '_config_set');
+ my $config_set = -e $config_set_path ? do { my $VAR1; eval($config_set_path->slurp); $VAR1 } : '';
+ my $v = Data::Visitor::Callback->new(
+ plain_value => sub {
+ my ($visitor, $data) = @_;
+ my $subs = {
+ ENV => sub {
+ my ( $self, $v ) = @_;
+ if (! defined($ENV{$v})) {
+ return "";
+ } else {
+ return $ENV{ $v };
+ }
+ },
+ ATTR => sub {
+ my ($self, $v) = @_;
+ if(my $attr = $self->config_attrs->{$v}) {
+ return $attr;
+ } else {
+ return "";
+ }
+ },
+ catfile => sub {
+ my ($self, @args) = @_;
+ catfile(@args);
+ },
+ catdir => sub {
+ my ($self, @args) = @_;
+ catdir(@args);
+ },
+ };
+ my $subsre = join( '|', keys %$subs );
+ $_ =~ s{__($subsre)(?:\((.+?)\))?__}{ $subs->{ $1 }->( $self, $2 ? split( /,/, $2 ) : () ) }eg;
+ return $_;
+ }
+ );
+ $v->visit( $config_set );
+ my %sets_by_src;
+ if($config_set) {
+ %sets_by_src = map { delete($_->{class}) => $_ }
+ @{$config_set->{sets}}
+ }
# DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('no version file found');
# unless -e $version_file;
my $HASH1;
$HASH1 = $fixup_visitor->visit($HASH1) if $fixup_visitor;
+ if(my $external = delete $HASH1->{external}) {
+ my @fields = keys %{$sets_by_src{$source}->{external}};
+ foreach my $field(@fields) {
+ my $key = $HASH1->{$field};
+ my $content = decode_base64 ($external->{$field});
+ my $args = $sets_by_src{$source}->{external}->{$field}->{args};
+ my ($plus, $class) = ( $sets_by_src{$source}->{external}->{$field}->{class}=~/^(\+)*(.+)$/);
+ $class = "DBIx::Class::Fixtures::External::$class" unless $plus;
+ eval "use $class";
+ $class->restore($key, $content, $args);
+ }
+ }
if ( $params->{use_create} ) {
$rs->create( $HASH1 );
} else {
-sub fetch {
+sub backup {
my ($class, $key, $args) = @_;
my $path = catfile($args->{path}, $key);
- return my $fetched = $class->_load($path);
+ return $class->_load($path);
-sub write {
+sub restore {
my ($class, $key, $content, $args) = @_;
my $path = catfile($args->{path}, $key);
$class->_save($path, $content);
+=head1 NAME
+DBIx::Class::Fixtures::External::File - save and restore external data
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $fixtures = DBIx::Class::Fixtures
+ ->new({
+ config_dir => 't/var/configs',
+ config_attrs => { photo_dir => './t/var/files' });
+ {
+ "sets": [{
+ "class": "Photo",
+ "quantity": "all",
+ "external": {
+ "file": {
+ "class": "File",
+ "args": {"path":"__ATTR(photo_dir)__"}
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ }
+Sometimes your database fields are pointers to external data. The classic
+example is you are using L<DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::FS> to manage blob
+data. In these cases it may be desirable to backup and restore the external
+data via fixtures.
+This module performs this function and can also serve as an example for your
+possible custom needs.
+=head1 METHODS
+This module defines the following methods
+=head2 backup
+Accepts: Value of Database Field, $args
+Given the value of a database field (which is some sort of pointer to the location
+of an actual file, and a hashref of args (passed in the args key of your config
+set), slurp up the file and return to to be saved in the fixure.
+=head2 restore
+Accepts: Value of Database Field, Content, $args
+Given the value of a database field, some blob content and $args, restore the
+file to the filesystem
+=head1 AUTHOR
+ See L<DBIx::Class::Fixtures> for author information.
+ See L<DBIx::Class::Fixtures> for contributor information.
+=head1 LICENSE
+ See L<DBIx::Class::Fixtures> for license information.