-This class implements method augmenting logic for the L<Moose> C<augment> keyword.
+This class implements method augmentation logic for the L<Moose>
+C<augment> keyword.
-This involves setting up C<inner> for the superclass body, and dispatching to
-the superclass from the normal body.
+The augmentation subroutine reference will be invoked explicitly using
+the C<inner> keyword from the parent class's method definition.
-The subclass definition (the augmentation itself) will be invoked explicitly
-using the C<inner> keyword from the parent class's method definition.
+C<Moose::Meta::Method::Augmented> is a subclass of L<Moose::Meta::Method>.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
-=item B<new>
+=item B<< Moose::Meta::Method::Augmented->new(%options) >>
+This constructs a new object. It accepts the following options:
+=over 8
+=item * class
+The metaclass object for the class in which the augmentation is being
+declared. This option is required.
+=item * name
+The name of the method which we are augmenting. This method must exist
+in one of the class's superclasses. This option is required.
+=item * method
+The subroutine reference which implements the augmentation. This
+option is required.