use Encode qw( decode_utf8 );
use File::Temp;
+use File::Which;
use Graph;
use IPC::Run qw( run binary );
use Text::CSV_XS;
=head2 as_svg( \%options )
Returns an SVG string that represents the graph, via as_dot and graphviz.
-See as_dot for a list of options.
+See as_dot for a list of options. Must have GraphViz (dot) installed to run.
sub as_svg {
my( $self, $opts ) = @_;
+ throw( "Need GraphViz installed to output SVG" )
+ unless File::Which::which( 'dot' );
my $want_subgraph = exists $opts->{'from'} || exists $opts->{'to'};
if( !$self->has_cached_svg || $opts->{'recalc'} || $want_subgraph ) {
my @cmd = qw/dot -Tsvg/;
my $c = $t->collation;
# Make an svg
-my $svg = $c->as_svg;
-is( substr( $svg, 0, 5 ), '<?xml', "Got XML doc for svg" );
-ok( $c->has_cached_svg, "SVG was cached" );
-is( $c->as_svg, $svg, "Cached SVG returned upon second call" );
+my $table = $c->alignment_table;
+ok( $c->has_cached_table, "Alignment table was cached" );
+is( $c->alignment_table, $table, "Cached table returned upon second call" );
-is( $c->as_svg, $svg, "Cached SVG retained with no rank change" );
+is( $c->alignment_table, $table, "Cached table retained with no rank change" );
$c->add_relationship( 'n9', 'n23', { 'type' => 'spelling' } );
-isnt( $c->as_svg, $svg, "SVG changed after relationship add" );
+isnt( $c->alignment_table, $table, "Alignment table changed after relationship add" );
=end testing
throw( "Ranks not calculated after $last - do you have a cycle in the graph?" );
- # Do we need to invalidate the cached SVG?
- if( $self->has_cached_svg ) {
+ # Do we need to invalidate the cached data?
+ if( $self->has_cached_svg || $self->has_cached_table ) {
foreach my $r ( $self->readings ) {
next if $existing_ranks{$r} == $r->rank;
- $self->wipe_svg;
+ $self->_clear_cache;
my $c = $t->collation;
# Make an svg
-my $svg = $c->as_svg;
-is( substr( $svg, 0, 5 ), '<?xml', "Got XML doc for svg" );
-ok( $c->has_cached_svg, "SVG was cached" );
-is( $c->as_svg, $svg, "Cached SVG returned upon second call" );
+my $table = $c->alignment_table;
+ok( $c->has_cached_table, "Alignment table was cached" );
+is( $c->alignment_table, $table, "Cached table returned upon second call" );
-is( $c->as_svg, $svg, "Cached SVG retained with no rank change" );
+is( $c->alignment_table, $table, "Cached table retained with no rank change" );
$c->add_relationship( 'n9', 'n23', { 'type' => 'spelling' } );
-isnt( $c->as_svg, $svg, "SVG changed after relationship add" );
+isnt( $c->alignment_table, $table, "Alignment table changed after relationship add" );