ok("{b{c}d" !~ m/^((??{ $brackets }))/, "bracket mismatch");
+# stress test CURLYX/WHILEM.
+# This test includes varying levels of nesting, and according to
+# profiling done against build 28905, exercises every code line in the
+# CURLYX and WHILEM blocks, except those related to LONGJMP, the
+# super-linear cache and warnings. It executes about 0.5M regexes
+ my $r = qr/^
+ (?:
+ ( (?:a|z+)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:b|z+){3,}? )
+ (
+ (?:
+ (?:c|z+){1,1}
+ )*
+ )
+ (?:z*){2,}
+ ( (?:z+|d)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:e|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:f|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:z+|g)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:h|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:i|z+)+ )
+ )+
+ ( (?:j|z+)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:k|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:l|z+)+ )
+ $/x;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my $msg = "CURLYX stress test";
+ for my $a ("x","a","aa") {
+ for my $b ("x","bbb","bbbb") {
+ my $bs = $a.$b;
+ for my $c ("x","c","cc") {
+ my $cs = $bs.$c;
+ for my $d ("x","d","dd") {
+ my $ds = $cs.$d;
+ for my $e ("x","e","ee") {
+ my $es = $ds.$e;
+ for my $f ("x","f","ff") {
+ my $fs = $es.$f;
+ for my $g ("x","g","gg") {
+ my $gs = $fs.$g;
+ for my $h ("x","h","hh") {
+ my $hs = $gs.$h;
+ for my $i ("x","i","ii") {
+ my $is = $hs.$i;
+ for my $j ("x","j","jj") {
+ my $js = $is.$j;
+ for my $k ("x","k","kk") {
+ my $ks = $js.$k;
+ for my $l ("x","l","ll") {
+ my $ls = $ks.$l;
+ if ($ls =~ $r) {
+ if ($ls =~ /x/) {
+ $msg .= ": unexpected match for [$ls]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ my $cap = "$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10$11$12";
+ unless ($ls eq $cap) {
+ $msg .= ": capture: [$ls], got [$cap]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ unless ($ls =~ /x/) {
+ $msg = ": failed for [$ls]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ok($ok, $msg);
# Keep the following test last -- it may crash perl
ok(("a" x (2**15 - 10)) =~ /^()(a|bb)*$/, "Recursive stack cracker: #24274")
or print "# Unexpected outcome: should pass or crash perl\n";
# Don't forget to update this!
-BEGIN{print "1..1252\n"};
+BEGIN{print "1..1253\n"};