$Bar->add_method('foo' => sub { 'Bar::foo v2' });
} '... overwriting a method is fine';
+is_deeply( [ Class::MOP::get_code_info($Bar->get_method('foo')->body) ], [ "Bar", "foo" ], "subname applied to anonymous method" );
ok($Bar->has_method('foo'), '... Bar-> (still) has_method(foo)');
is(Bar->foo, 'Bar::foo v2', '... Bar->foo == "Bar::foo v2"');
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 6;
+use Class::MOP;
+ package Origin;
+ sub bar { ( caller(0) )[3] }
+ package Foo;
+my $Foo = Class::MOP::Class->initialize('Foo');
+$Foo->add_method( foo => sub { ( caller(0) )[3] } );
+ [ Class::MOP::get_code_info( $Foo->get_method('foo')->body ) ],
+ [ "Foo", "foo" ],
+ "subname applied to anonymous method",
+is( Foo->foo, "Foo::foo", "caller() aggrees" );
+$Foo->add_method( bar => \&Origin::bar );
+is( Origin->bar, "Origin::bar", "normal caller() operation in unrelated class" );
+ [ Class::MOP::get_code_info( $Foo->get_method('foo')->body ) ],
+ [ "Foo", "foo" ],
+ "subname not applied if a name already exists",
+is( Foo->bar, "Origin::bar", "caller aggrees" );
+is( Origin->bar, "Origin::bar", "unrelated class untouched" );