the same thing. The original paper called them traits, but Perl 6
will call them roles.
+=head3 Can an attribute-generated method (e.g. an accessor) satisfy requires?
+Yes, just be sure to consume the role I<after> declaring your
+attribute. L<Moose::Manual::Roles/Required_Attributes> provides
+an example:
+ package Breakable;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ requires 'stress';
+ package Car;
+ use Moose;
+ with 'Breakable';
+ has 'stress' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int' );
+If you mistakenly consume the C<Breakable> role before declaring your
+C<stress> attribute, you would see an error like this:
+ 'Breakable' requires the method 'stress' to be implemented by 'Car' at...
=head2 Moose and Subroutine Attributes
=head3 Why don't subroutine attributes I inherited from a superclass work?