else { return vmsify($path); }
else {
- $path =~ s/([\[<])000000\./$1/g; # [000000.foo ==> [foo
- $path =~ s/([^-]+)\.(\]\[|><)?000000([\]\>])/$1$3/g; # foo.000000] ==> foo]
- $path =~ s-\]\[--g; $path =~ s/><//g; # foo.][bar ==> foo.bar
- 1 while $path =~ s{([\[<-])\.-}{$1-}; # [.-.- ==> [--
- $path =~ s/\.[^\[<\.]+\.-([\]\>])/$1/; # bar.foo.-] ==> bar]
- $path =~ s/([\[<])(-+)/$1 . "\cx" x length($2)/e; # encode leading '-'s
- $path =~ s/([\[<\.])([^\[<\.\cx]+)\.-\.?/$1/g; # bar.-.foo ==> foo
- $path =~ s/([\[<])(\cx+)/$1 . '-' x length($2)/e; # then decode
- $path =~ s/^[\[<\]>]{2}//; # []foo ==> foo
- return $path;
+ $path =~ tr/<>/[]/; # < and > ==> [ and ]
+ $path =~ s/\]\[\./\.\]\[/g; # ][. ==> .][
+ $path =~ s/\[000000\.\]\[/\[/g; # [000000.][ ==> [
+ $path =~ s/\[000000\./\[/g; # [000000. ==> [
+ $path =~ s/\.\]\[000000\]/\]/g; # .][000000] ==> ]
+ $path =~ s/\.\]\[/\./g; # foo.][bar ==> foo.bar
+ 1 while ($path =~ s/([\[\.])(-+)\.(-+)([\.\]])/$1$2$3$4/);
+ # That loop does the following
+ # with any amount of dashes:
+ # .-.-. ==> .--.
+ # [-.-. ==> [--.
+ # .-.-] ==> .--]
+ # [-.-] ==> [--]
+ 1 while ($path =~ s/([\[\.])[^\]\.]+\.-(-+)([\]\.])/$1$2$3/);
+ # That loop does the following
+ # with any amount (minimum 2)
+ # of dashes:
+ # .foo.--. ==> .-.
+ # .foo.--] ==> .-]
+ # [foo.--. ==> [-.
+ # [foo.--] ==> [-]
+ #
+ # And then, the remaining cases
+ $path =~ s/\[\.-/[-/; # [.- ==> [-
+ $path =~ s/\.[^\]\.]+\.-\./\./g; # .foo.-. ==> .
+ $path =~ s/\[[^\]\.]+\.-\./\[/g; # [foo.-. ==> [
+ $path =~ s/\.[^\]\.]+\.-\]/\]/g; # .foo.-] ==> ]
+ $path =~ s/\[[^\]\.]+\.-\]/\[\]/g; # [foo.-] ==> []
+ $path =~ s/\[\]//; # [] ==>
+ return $path;
sub splitdir {
my($self,$dirspec) = @_;
- $dirspec =~ s/\]\[//g; $dirspec =~ s/\-\-/-.-/g;
+ $dirspec =~ tr/<>/[]/; # < and > ==> [ and ]
+ $dirspec =~ s/\]\[\./\.\]\[/g; # ][. ==> .][
+ $dirspec =~ s/\[000000\.\]\[/\[/g; # [000000.][ ==> [
+ $dirspec =~ s/\[000000\./\[/g; # [000000. ==> [
+ $dirspec =~ s/\.\]\[000000\]/\]/g; # .][000000] ==> ]
+ $dirspec =~ s/\.\]\[/\./g; # foo.][bar ==> foo.bar
+ while ($dirspec =~ s/(^|[\[\<\.])\-(\-+)($|[\]\>\.])/$1-.$2$3/g) {}
+ # That loop does the following
+ # with any amount of dashes:
+ # .--. ==> .-.-.
+ # [--. ==> [-.-.
+ # .--] ==> .-.-]
+ # [--] ==> [-.-]
$dirspec = "[$dirspec]" unless $dirspec =~ /[\[<]/; # make legal
my(@dirs) = split('\.', vmspath($dirspec));
$dirs[0] =~ s/^[\[<]//s; $dirs[-1] =~ s/[\]>]\Z(?!\n)//s;
sub rel2abs {
my $self = shift ;
- return vmspath(File::Spec::Unix::rel2abs( $self, @_ ))
- if ( join( '', @_ ) =~ m{/} ) ;
my ($path,$base ) = @_;
+ return undef unless defined $path;
+ $path = vmsify($path) if $path =~ m/\//;
+ $base = vmspath($base) if defined $base && $base =~ m/\//;
# Clean up and split up $path
if ( ! $self->file_name_is_absolute( $path ) ) {
# Figure out the effective $base and clean it up.
[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1]file')", 'volume:[d1]file' ],
[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.-.d2.][d3.d4.-]')", 'volume:[d2.d3]' ],
[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[000000.d1]d2.dir;1')", 'volume:[d1]d2.dir;1' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.d2.d3]file.txt')", 'volume:[d1.d2.d3]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.d2.d3]file.txt')", '[d1.d2.d3]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[-.d1.d2.d3]file.txt')", 'volume:[-.d1.d2.d3]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('[-.d1.d2.d3]file.txt')", '[-.d1.d2.d3]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[--.d1.d2.d3]file.txt')", 'volume:[--.d1.d2.d3]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('[--.d1.d2.d3]file.txt')", '[--.d1.d2.d3]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.-.d2.d3]file.txt')", 'volume:[d2.d3]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.-.d2.d3]file.txt')", '[d2.d3]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.--.d2.d3]file.txt')", 'volume:[-.d2.d3]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.--.d2.d3]file.txt')", '[-.d2.d3]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.d2.-.d3]file.txt')", 'volume:[d1.d3]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.d2.-.d3]file.txt')", '[d1.d3]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.d2.--.d3]file.txt')", 'volume:[d3]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.d2.--.d3]file.txt')", '[d3]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.d2.d3.-]file.txt')", 'volume:[d1.d2]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.d2.d3.-]file.txt')", '[d1.d2]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.d2.d3.--]file.txt')", 'volume:[d1]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.d2.d3.--]file.txt')", '[d1]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.000000.][000000.][d3.--]file.txt')", 'volume:[d1]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.000000.][000000.][d3.--]file.txt')", '[d1]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.000000.][000000.][d2.000000]file.txt')", 'volume:[d1.000000.d2.000000]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.000000.][000000.][d2.000000]file.txt')", '[d1.000000.d2.000000]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.000000.][000000.][d3.--.000000]file.txt')",'volume:[d1.000000]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.000000.][000000.][d3.--.000000]file.txt')", '[d1.000000]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('volume:[d1.000000.][000000.][-.-.000000]file.txt')", 'volume:[000000]file.txt' ],
+[ "VMS->canonpath('[d1.000000.][000000.][--.-.000000]file.txt')", '[-.000000]file.txt' ],
[ "VMS->splitdir('')", '' ],
[ "VMS->splitdir('[]')", '' ],
[ "VMS->splitdir('[.d1.d2.d3]')", ',d1,d2,d3' ],
[ "VMS->splitdir('.-.d2.d3')", ',-,d2,d3' ],
[ "VMS->splitdir('[.-.d2.d3]')", ',-,d2,d3' ],
+[ "VMS->splitdir('[d1.d2]')", 'd1,d2' ],
+[ "VMS->splitdir('[d1-.--d2]')", 'd1-,--d2' ],
+[ "VMS->splitdir('[d1---.-.d2]')", 'd1---,-,d2' ],
+[ "VMS->splitdir('[d1.---.d2]')", 'd1,-,-,-,d2' ],
+[ "VMS->splitdir('[d1---d2]')", 'd1---d2' ],
+[ "VMS->splitdir('[d1.][000000.d2]')", 'd1,d2' ],
[ "VMS->catdir('')", '' ],
[ "VMS->catdir('d1','d2','d3')", '[.d1.d2.d3]' ],