mandates an inheritance relationship. Other relationships include aggregation,
delegation, and mocking.)
-By default, classes in Perl only perform the C<UNIVERSAL> role. To mark that
-your own classes perform other roles, override C<DOES> appropriately.
+By default, classes in Perl only perform the C<UNIVERSAL> role, as well as the
+role of all classes in their inheritance. In other words, by default C<DOES>
+responds identically to C<isa>.
There is a relationship between roles and classes, as each class implies the
existence of a role of the same name. There is also a relationship between
C<blessed> returns the name of the package the argument has been
blessed into, or C<undef>.
+=item DOES(ROLE)
+C<DOES> returns I<true> if its object claims to perform the role C<ROLE>.
+By default, the response to C<DOES> is the same as the response to ISA. For
+more information on C<DOES> and other universal methods, see L<UNIVERSAL>.
=item can(METHOD)