--- /dev/null
+use 5.6.0;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+use FindBin;
+use File::Spec ();
+use lib File::Spec->catdir( $FindBin::Bin, 'lib' );
+# This is for the latest version.
+use lib File::Spec->catdir( $FindBin::Bin, '..', 'lib' );
+use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptions );
+use Pod::Usage;
+my %headerver_to_module = (
+ '0' => 'DBM::Deep::09830',
+ '2' => 'DBM::Deep',
+my %is_dev = (
+ '1' => 1,
+my %opts = (
+ man => 0,
+ help => 0,
+ version => '1.0000',
+ autobless => 0,
+GetOptions( \%opts,
+ 'input=s', 'output=s', 'version:s', 'autobless:i',
+ 'help|?', 'man',
+) || pod2man(2);
+pod2usage(1) if $opts{help};
+pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $opts{man};
+pod2usage(-msg => "Missing required parameters", verbose => 1)
+ unless $opts{input} && $opts{output};
+if ( $opts{input} eq $opts{output} ) {
+ _exit( "Cannot use the same filename for both input and output." );
+foreach my $p ( qw( input output ) ) {
+ unless ( -f $opts{$p} ) {
+ _exit( "'$opts{$p}' is not a file." );
+ }
+my %db;
+ my $ver = _read_file_header( $opts{input} );
+ if ( $is_dev{ $ver } ) {
+ _exit( "'$opts{input}' is a dev release and not supported." );
+ }
+ my $mod = $headerver_to_module{ $ver };
+ require $mod;
+ $db{input} = $mod->new({
+ file => $opts{input},
+ locking => 1,
+ autobless => $opts{autobless},
+ });
+ $db{input}->lock;
+ my $ver = $opts{version};
+ #if ( $ver =~ /^0\.98/ ) {
+ if ( $is_dev{ $ver } ) {
+ _exit( "'$opts{version}' is a dev release and not supported." );
+ }
+ my $mod = $headerver_to_module{ $ver };
+ require $mod;
+ $db{input} = $mod->new({
+ file => $opts{input},
+ locking => 1,
+ autobless => $opts{autobless},
+ });
+ $db{input}->lock;
+# Do the actual conversion
+sub _read_file_header {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ open my $fh, '<', $file
+ or _exit( "Cannot open '$file' for reading: $!" );
+ my $buffer = _read_buffer( $fh, 9 );
+ _exit( "'$file' is not a DBM::Deep file." )
+ unless length $buffer == 9;
+ my ($file_sig, $header_sig, $header_ver) = unpack( 'A4 A N', $buffer );
+ # SIG_FILE == 'DPDB'
+ _exit( "'$file' is not a DBM::Deep file." )
+ unless $file_sig eq 'DPDB';
+ # SIG_HEADER == 'h'
+ return 0 unless ($header_sig eq 'h');
+ return $header_ver;
+sub _read_buffer {
+ my ($fh, $len) = @_;
+ my $buffer;
+ read( $fh, $buffer, $len );
+ return $buffer;
+sub _exit {
+ my ($msg) = @_;
+ pod2usage( -verbose => 0, -msg => $msg );
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ upgrade_db.pl -input <oldfile> -output <newfile>
+This will attempt to upgrade DB files from one version of DBM::Deep to
+another. The version of the input file is detected from the file header. The
+version of the output file defaults to the version of the distro in this file,
+but can be set, if desired.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-input> (required)
+This is the name of original DB file.
+=item B<-output> (required)
+This is the name of target output DB file.
+=item B<-version>
+Optionally, you can specify the version of L<DBM::Deep> for the output file.
+This can either be an upgrade or a downgrade.
+If the version is the same, this is just like a call to compress().
+=item B<-autobless>
+In pre-1.0000 versions, autoblessing was an optional setting. This defaults to
+=item B<-help>
+Prints a brief help message, then exits.
+=item B<-man>
+Prints this longer message, then exits;
+=head1 CAVEATS
+The following are known issues with this converter.
+=over 4
+=item * Diskspace requirements
+This will require about twice the diskspace of the input file.
+=item * Feature support
+Not all versions support the same features. In particular, internal references
+were supported in 0.983 and support was removed in 1.000. There is no
+detection of this by upgrade_db.pl.
+Rob Kinyon, L<rkinyon@cpan.org>
+Originally written by Rob Kinyon, L<rkinyon@cpan.org>
+=head1 LICENSE
+Copyright (c) 2007 Rob Kinyon. All Rights Reserved.
+This is free software, you may use it and distribute it under the
+same terms as Perl itself.