This will will occur only on 5.8.1, but anyway one must not depend on the order of keys()/values()/each().
my $error = '';
+ @missing = sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @missing;
my @conflicts = grep { $_->isa('Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Conflicting') } @missing;
if (@conflicts) {
'Bomb', 'Spouse',
'Caninish', 'Treeve',
-} qr/Due to method name conflicts in roles 'Bomb' and 'Spouse', the methods 'explode' and 'fuse' must be implemented or excluded by 'PracticalJoke'/;
+} qr/Due to a method name conflict in roles 'Caninish' and 'Treeve', the method 'bark' must be implemented or excluded by 'PracticalJoke'/;