use Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint;
-sub _process_options{
- my($class, $name, $args) = @_;
- # XXX: for backward compatibility (with method modifiers)
- if($class->can('canonicalize_args') != \&canonicalize_args){
- %{$args} = $class->canonicalize_args($name, %{$args});
- }
- # taken from Class::MOP::Attribute::new
- defined($name)
- or $class->throw_error('You must provide a name for the attribute');
- if(!exists $args->{init_arg}){
- $args->{init_arg} = $name;
- }
- # 'required' requires eigher 'init_arg', 'builder', or 'default'
- my $can_be_required = defined( $args->{init_arg} );
- if(exists $args->{builder}){
- # XXX:
- # Moose refuses a CODE ref builder, but Mouse doesn't for backward compatibility
- # This feature will be changed in a future. (gfx)
- $class->throw_error('builder must be a defined scalar value which is a method name')
- #if ref $args->{builder} || !defined $args->{builder};
- if !defined $args->{builder};
- $can_be_required++;
- }
- elsif(exists $args->{default}){
- if(ref $args->{default} && ref($args->{default}) ne 'CODE'){
- $class->throw_error("References are not allowed as default values, you must "
- . "wrap the default of '$name' in a CODE reference (ex: sub { [] } and not [])");
- }
- $can_be_required++;
- }
- if( $args->{required} && !$can_be_required ) {
- $class->throw_error("You cannot have a required attribute ($name) without a default, builder, or an init_arg");
- }
- # taken from Mouse::Meta::Attribute->new and _process_args->
- if(exists $args->{is}){
- my $is = $args->{is};
- if($is eq 'ro'){
- $args->{reader} ||= $name;
- }
- elsif($is eq 'rw'){
- if(exists $args->{writer}){
- $args->{reader} ||= $name;
- }
- else{
- $args->{accessor} ||= $name;
- }
- }
- elsif($is eq 'bare'){
- # do nothing, but don't complain (later) about missing methods
- }
- else{
- $is = 'undef' if !defined $is;
- $class->throw_error("I do not understand this option (is => $is) on attribute ($name)");
- }
- }
- my $tc;
- if(exists $args->{isa}){
- $args->{type_constraint} = Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_isa_type_constraint($args->{isa});
- }
- elsif(exists $args->{does}){
- $args->{type_constraint} = Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_does_type_constraint($args->{does});
- }
- $tc = $args->{type_constraint};
- if($args->{coerce}){
- defined($tc)
- || $class->throw_error("You cannot have coercion without specifying a type constraint on attribute ($name)");
- $args->{weak_ref}
- && $class->throw_error("You cannot have a weak reference to a coerced value on attribute ($name)");
- }
- if ($args->{lazy_build}) {
- exists($args->{default})
- && $class->throw_error("You can not use lazy_build and default for the same attribute ($name)");
- $args->{lazy} = 1;
- $args->{builder} ||= "_build_${name}";
- if ($name =~ /^_/) {
- $args->{clearer} ||= "_clear${name}";
- $args->{predicate} ||= "_has${name}";
- }
- else {
- $args->{clearer} ||= "clear_${name}";
- $args->{predicate} ||= "has_${name}";
- }
- }
- if ($args->{auto_deref}) {
- defined($tc)
- || $class->throw_error("You cannot auto-dereference without specifying a type constraint on attribute ($name)");
- ( $tc->is_a_type_of('ArrayRef') || $tc->is_a_type_of('HashRef') )
- || $class->throw_error("You cannot auto-dereference anything other than a ArrayRef or HashRef on attribute ($name)");
- }
- if (exists $args->{trigger}) {
- ('CODE' eq ref $args->{trigger})
- || $class->throw_error("Trigger must be a CODE ref on attribute ($name)");
- }
- if ($args->{lazy}) {
- (exists $args->{default} || defined $args->{builder})
- || $class->throw_error("You cannot have lazy attribute ($name) without specifying a default value for it");
- }
- return;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = (@_ == 1) ? %{ $_[0] } : @_;
+ # XXX: for backward compatibility (with method modifiers)
+ if($class->can('canonicalize_args') != \&canonicalize_args){
+ %args = $class->canonicalize_args($name, %args);
+ }
$class->_process_options($name, \%args);
$args{name} = $name;
sub has_documentation { exists $_[0]->{documentation} }
+sub _process_options{
+ my($class, $name, $args) = @_;
+ # taken from Class::MOP::Attribute::new
+ defined($name)
+ or $class->throw_error('You must provide a name for the attribute');
+ if(!exists $args->{init_arg}){
+ $args->{init_arg} = $name;
+ }
+ # 'required' requires eigher 'init_arg', 'builder', or 'default'
+ my $can_be_required = defined( $args->{init_arg} );
+ if(exists $args->{builder}){
+ # XXX:
+ # Moose refuses a CODE ref builder, but Mouse doesn't for backward compatibility
+ # This feature will be changed in a future. (gfx)
+ $class->throw_error('builder must be a defined scalar value which is a method name')
+ #if ref $args->{builder} || !defined $args->{builder};
+ if !defined $args->{builder};
+ $can_be_required++;
+ }
+ elsif(exists $args->{default}){
+ if(ref $args->{default} && ref($args->{default}) ne 'CODE'){
+ $class->throw_error("References are not allowed as default values, you must "
+ . "wrap the default of '$name' in a CODE reference (ex: sub { [] } and not [])");
+ }
+ $can_be_required++;
+ }
+ if( $args->{required} && !$can_be_required ) {
+ $class->throw_error("You cannot have a required attribute ($name) without a default, builder, or an init_arg");
+ }
+ # taken from Mouse::Meta::Attribute->new and ->_process_args
+ if(exists $args->{is}){
+ my $is = $args->{is};
+ if($is eq 'ro'){
+ $args->{reader} ||= $name;
+ }
+ elsif($is eq 'rw'){
+ if(exists $args->{writer}){
+ $args->{reader} ||= $name;
+ }
+ else{
+ $args->{accessor} ||= $name;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($is eq 'bare'){
+ # do nothing, but don't complain (later) about missing methods
+ }
+ else{
+ $is = 'undef' if !defined $is;
+ $class->throw_error("I do not understand this option (is => $is) on attribute ($name)");
+ }
+ }
+ my $tc;
+ if(exists $args->{isa}){
+ $args->{type_constraint} = Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_isa_type_constraint($args->{isa});
+ }
+ elsif(exists $args->{does}){
+ $args->{type_constraint} = Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_does_type_constraint($args->{does});
+ }
+ $tc = $args->{type_constraint};
+ if($args->{coerce}){
+ defined($tc)
+ || $class->throw_error("You cannot have coercion without specifying a type constraint on attribute ($name)");
+ $args->{weak_ref}
+ && $class->throw_error("You cannot have a weak reference to a coerced value on attribute ($name)");
+ }
+ if ($args->{lazy_build}) {
+ exists($args->{default})
+ && $class->throw_error("You can not use lazy_build and default for the same attribute ($name)");
+ $args->{lazy} = 1;
+ $args->{builder} ||= "_build_${name}";
+ if ($name =~ /^_/) {
+ $args->{clearer} ||= "_clear${name}";
+ $args->{predicate} ||= "_has${name}";
+ }
+ else {
+ $args->{clearer} ||= "clear_${name}";
+ $args->{predicate} ||= "has_${name}";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($args->{auto_deref}) {
+ defined($tc)
+ || $class->throw_error("You cannot auto-dereference without specifying a type constraint on attribute ($name)");
+ ( $tc->is_a_type_of('ArrayRef') || $tc->is_a_type_of('HashRef') )
+ || $class->throw_error("You cannot auto-dereference anything other than a ArrayRef or HashRef on attribute ($name)");
+ }
+ if (exists $args->{trigger}) {
+ ('CODE' eq ref $args->{trigger})
+ || $class->throw_error("Trigger must be a CODE ref on attribute ($name)");
+ }
+ if ($args->{lazy}) {
+ (exists $args->{default} || defined $args->{builder})
+ || $class->throw_error("You cannot have lazy attribute ($name) without specifying a default value for it");
+ }
+ return;
INSTALL_CLASS_HOLDER(Attribute, accessor_metaclass, "Mouse::Meta::Method::Accessor::XS");
+_process_options(SV* klass, SV* name, HV* args)
+ SV** svp;
+ SV* tc = NULL;
+ /* 'required' requires eigher 'init_arg', 'builder', or 'default' */
+ bool can_be_required = FALSE;
+ bool has_default = FALSE;
+ bool has_builder = FALSE;
+ /* taken from Class::MOP::Attribute::new */
+ if(!SvOK(name)){
+ mouse_throw_error(klass, NULL,
+ "You must provide a name for the attribute");
+ }
+ svp = hv_fetchs(args, "init_arg", FALSE);
+ if(!svp){
+ (void)hv_stores(args, "init_arg", newSVsv(name));
+ can_be_required = TRUE;
+ }
+ else{
+ can_be_required = SvOK(*svp) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ }
+ svp = hv_fetchs(args, "builder", FALSE);
+ if(svp){
+ if(!SvOK(*svp)){
+ mouse_throw_error(klass, NULL,
+ "builder must be a defined scalar value which is a method name");
+ }
+ can_be_required = TRUE;
+ has_builder = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if((svp = hv_fetchs(args, "default", FALSE))){
+ if(SvROK(*svp) && SvTYPE(SvRV(*svp)) != SVt_PVCV) {
+ mouse_throw_error(klass, NULL,
+ "References are not allowed as default values, you must "
+ "wrap the default of '%"SVf"' in a CODE reference "
+ "(ex: sub { [] } and not [])", name);
+ }
+ can_be_required = TRUE;
+ has_default = TRUE;
+ }
+ svp = hv_fetchs(args, "required", FALSE);
+ if( (svp && sv_true(*svp)) && !can_be_required){
+ mouse_throw_error(klass, NULL,
+ "You cannot have a required attribute (%"SVf") "
+ "without a default, builder, or an init_arg", name);
+ }
+ /* taken from Mouse::Meta::Attribute->new and ->_process_args */
+ svp = hv_fetchs(args, "is", FALSE);
+ if(svp){
+ const char* const is = SvOK(*svp) ? SvPV_nolen_const(*svp) : "undef";
+ if(strEQ(is, "ro")){
+ svp = hv_fetchs(args, "reader", TRUE);
+ if(!sv_true(*svp)){
+ sv_setsv(*svp, name);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(strEQ(is, "rw")){
+ if(hv_fetchs(args, "writer", FALSE)){
+ svp = hv_fetchs(args, "reader", TRUE);
+ }
+ else{
+ svp = hv_fetchs(args, "accessor", TRUE);
+ }
+ sv_setsv(*svp, name);
+ }
+ else if(strEQ(is, "bare")){
+ /* do nothing, but don't complain (later) about missing methods */
+ }
+ else{
+ mouse_throw_error(klass, NULL,
+ "I do not understand this option (is => %s) on attribute (%"SVf")",
+ is, name);
+ }
+ }
+ svp = hv_fetchs(args, "isa", FALSE);
+ if(svp){
+ XPUSHs(*svp);
+ call_pv("Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_isa_type_constraint",
+ tc = newSVsv(POPs);
+ }
+ else if((svp = hv_fetchs(args, "does", FALSE))){
+ XPUSHs(*svp);
+ call_pv("Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_isa_type_constraint",
+ tc = newSVsv(POPs);
+ }
+ if(tc){
+ (void)hv_stores(args, "type_constraint", tc);
+ }
+ svp = hv_fetchs(args, "coerce", FALSE);
+ if(svp){
+ if(!tc){
+ mouse_throw_error(klass, NULL,
+ "You cannot have coercion without specifying a type constraint "
+ "on attribute (%"SVf")", name);
+ }
+ svp = hv_fetchs(args, "weak_ref", FALSE);
+ if(svp && sv_true(*svp)){
+ mouse_throw_error(klass, NULL,
+ "You cannot have a weak reference to a coerced value on "
+ "attribute (%"SVf")", name);
+ }
+ }
+ svp = hv_fetchs(args, "lazy_build", FALSE);
+ if(svp){
+ SV* clearer;
+ SV* predicate;
+ if(has_default){
+ mouse_throw_error(klass, NULL,
+ "You can not use lazy_build and default for the same "
+ "attribute (%"SVf")", name);
+ }
+ svp = hv_fetchs(args, "lazy", TRUE);
+ sv_setiv(*svp, TRUE);
+ svp = hv_fetchs(args, "builder", TRUE);
+ if(!sv_true(*svp)){
+ sv_setpvf(*svp, "_build_%"SVf, name);
+ }
+ has_builder = TRUE;
+ clearer = *hv_fetchs(args, "clearer", TRUE);
+ predicate = *hv_fetchs(args, "predicate", TRUE);
+ if(SvPV_nolen_const(name)[0] == '_'){
+ if(!sv_true(clearer)){
+ sv_setpvf(clearer, "_clear%"SVf, name);
+ }
+ if(!sv_true(predicate)){
+ sv_setpvf(predicate, "_has%"SVf, name);
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if(!sv_true(clearer)){
+ sv_setpvf(clearer, "clear_%"SVf, name);
+ }
+ if(!sv_true(predicate)){
+ sv_setpvf(predicate, "has_%"SVf, name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ svp = hv_fetchs(args, "auto_deref", FALSE);
+ if(svp && sv_true(*svp)){
+ SV* const meth = sv_2mortal(newSVpvs_share("is_a_type_of"));
+ if(!tc){
+ mouse_throw_error(klass, NULL,
+ "You cannot auto-dereference without specifying a type "
+ "constraint on attribute (%"SVf")", name);
+ }
+ if(!(sv_true(mcall1(tc, meth, newSVpvs_flags("ArrayRef", SVs_TEMP)))
+ || sv_true(mcall1(tc, meth, newSVpvs_flags("HashRef", SVs_TEMP))) )){
+ mouse_throw_error(klass, NULL,
+ "You cannot auto-dereference anything other than a ArrayRef "
+ "or HashRef on attribute (%"SVf")", name);
+ }
+ }
+ svp = hv_fetchs(args, "trigger", FALSE);
+ if(svp){
+ if(!IsCodeRef(*svp)){
+ mouse_throw_error(klass, NULL,
+ "Trigger must be a CODE ref on attribute (%"SVf")",
+ name);
+ }
+ }
+ svp = hv_fetchs(args, "lazy", FALSE);
+ if(svp && sv_true(*svp)){
+ if(!(has_default || has_builder)){
+ mouse_throw_error(klass, NULL,
+ "You cannot have lazy attribute (%"SVf") without specifying "
+ "a default value for it", name);
+ }
+ }