--producer-db-pass Database password for producer
--producer-dsn DSN for producer
--use-same-auth Use these DSN, user, password for producer output
+ --directed Use a directed graph to order tables
DB Producer Options:
- --add-drop-table Add 'DROP TABLE' statements before creates
+ --add-drop-table Add 'DROP TABLE' statements before creates
--quote-table-names Quote all table names in statements
- --quote-field-names Qjuote all field names in statements
- --no-comments Don't include comments in SQL output
+ --quote-field-names Quote all field names in statements
+ --no-comments Don't include comments in SQL output
PostgreSQL Producer Options:
use vars qw( $VERSION );
$VERSION = '1.59';
-my $from; # the original database
-my $to; # the destination database
-my $help; # show POD and bail
-my $stdin; # whether to read STDIN for create script
-my $no_comments; # whether to put comments in out file
-my $show_warnings; # whether to show warnings from SQL::Translator
-my $add_drop_table; # whether to add "DROP table" statements
-my $quote_table_names; # whether to quote table names
-my $quote_field_names; # whether to quote field names
-my $debug; # whether to print debug info
-my $trace; # whether to print parser trace
-my $list; # list all parsers and producers
-my $no_trim; # don't trim whitespace on xSV fields
-my $no_scan; # don't scan xSV fields for data types and sizes
-my $field_separator; # for xSV files
-my $record_separator; # for xSV files
-my $validate; # whether to validate the parsed document
-my $imap_file; # filename where to place image map coords
-my $imap_url; # URL to use in making image map
-my $pretty; # use CGI::Pretty instead of CGI (HTML producer)
-my $template; # template to pass to TTSchema producer
-my %tt_vars; # additional template vars to pass the TTSchema producer
-my %tt_conf; # additional template conf to pass the TTSchema producer
-my $title; # title for HTML/POD producer
-my $add_prefix; # Use explicit namespace prefix (XML producer)
-my $prefix; # Set explicit namespace prefix (XML producer)
-my $newlines; # Add newlines around tags (XML producer)
-my $indent; # Number of indent chars for XML
-my $package_name; # Base class name for ClassDBI
-my $use_same_auth =0; # producer uses same DSN, user, password as parser
-my $dsn; # DBI parser
-my $db_user; # DBI parser
-my $db_password; # DBI parser
-my $show_version; # Show version and exit script
-my $skip;
-my $skiplike;
+my $add_drop_table; # whether to add "DROP table" statements
+my $add_prefix; # Use explicit namespace prefix (XML producer)
+my $add_truncate;
+my $db_password; # DBI parser
+my $db_user; # DBI parser
+my $debug; # whether to print debug info
+my $dsn; # DBI parser
+my $field_separator; # for xSV files
+my $from; # the original database
+my $help; # show POD and bail
my $ignore_opts;
-my $producer_db_user; # DSN for producer (e.g. Dumper, ClassDBI)
+my $imap_file; # filename where to place image map coords
+my $imap_url; # URL to use in making image map
+my $indent; # Number of indent chars for XML
+my $list; # list all parsers and producers
+my $mysql_parser_version; # MySQL parser arg for /*! comments
+my $mysql_version; # MySQL version
+my $newlines; # Add newlines around tags (XML producer)
+my $no_comments; # whether to put comments in out file
+my $no_scan; # don't scan xSV fields for data types and sizes
+my $no_trim; # don't trim whitespace on xSV fields
+my $package_name; # Base class name for ClassDBI
+my $postgres_version; # PostgreSQL version
+my $prefix; # Set explicit namespace prefix (XML producer)
+my $pretty; # use CGI::Pretty instead of CGI (HTML producer)
my $producer_db_password; # db_pass "
-my $producer_dsn; # db_user "
-my $add_truncate;
-my $mysql_parser_version; # MySQL parser arg for /*! comments
-my $postgres_version; # PostgreSQL version
-my $mysql_version; # MySQL version
+my $producer_db_user; # DSN for producer (e.g. Dumper, ClassDBI)
+my $producer_dsn; # db_user "
+my $quote_field_names; # whether to quote field names
+my $quote_table_names; # whether to quote table names
+my $record_separator; # for xSV files
+my $show_version; # Show version and exit script
+my $show_warnings; # whether to show warnings from SQL::Translator
+my $skip;
+my $skiplike;
+my $stdin; # whether to read STDIN for create script
+my $template; # template to pass to TTSchema producer
+my $title; # title for HTML/POD producer
+my $to; # the destination database
+my $trace; # whether to print parser trace
+my $use_directed; # Producer arg to order tables by DFS
+my $use_same_auth = 0; # producer uses same DSN, user, password as parser
+my $validate; # whether to validate the parsed document
+my %tt_conf; # additional template conf for TTSchema producer
+my %tt_vars; # additional template vars for TTSchema producer
- 'add-drop-table' => \$add_drop_table,
- 'quote-table-names|quote_table_names' => \$quote_table_names,
- 'quote-field-names|quote_field_names' => \$quote_field_names,
- 'd|debug' => \$debug,
- 'f|from|parser:s' => \$from,
- 'fs:s' => \$field_separator,
- 'h|help' => \$help,
- 'imap-file:s' => \$imap_file,
- 'imap-url:s' => \$imap_url,
- 't|to|producer:s' => \$to,
- 'l|list' => \$list,
- 'pretty!' => \$pretty,
- 'no-comments' => \$no_comments,
- 'no-scan' => \$no_scan,
- 'no-trim' => \$no_trim,
- 'rs:s' => \$record_separator,
- 'show-warnings' => \$show_warnings,
- 'template:s' => \$template,
- 'tt-var=s' => \%tt_vars,
- 'tt-conf=s' => \%tt_conf,
- 'title:s' => \$title,
- 'trace' => \$trace,
- 'v|validate' => \$validate,
- 'dsn:s' => \$dsn,
- 'db-user:s' => \$db_user,
- 'db-password:s' => \$db_password,
- 'producer-dsn:s' => \$producer_dsn,
- 'producer-db-user:s'=> \$producer_db_user,
- 'producer-db-pass:s'=> \$producer_db_password,
- 'skip:s' => \$skip,
- 'skiplike:s' => \$skiplike,
- 'ignore_opts:s' => \$ignore_opts,
- 'add_truncate' => \$add_truncate,
- 'add-prefix' => \$add_prefix,
- 'prefix:s' => \$prefix,
- 'indent:s' => \$indent,
- 'newlines!' => \$newlines,
- 'package=s' => \$package_name,
- 'use-same-auth' => \$use_same_auth,
- 'version' => \$show_version,
- 'mysql-parser-version=i' => \$mysql_parser_version,
- 'postgres-version=f' => \$postgres_version,
- 'mysql-version=f' => \$mysql_version,
+ 'add-drop-table' => \$add_drop_table,
+ 'add-prefix' => \$add_prefix,
+ 'add_truncate' => \$add_truncate,
+ 'db-password:s' => \$db_password,
+ 'db-user:s' => \$db_user,
+ 'directed' => \$use_directed,
+ 'dsn:s' => \$dsn,
+ 'd|debug' => \$debug,
+ 'fs:s' => \$field_separator,
+ 'f|from|parser:s' => \$from,
+ 'h|help' => \$help,
+ 'ignore_opts:s' => \$ignore_opts,
+ 'imap-file:s' => \$imap_file,
+ 'imap-url:s' => \$imap_url,
+ 'indent:s' => \$indent,
+ 'l|list' => \$list,
+ 'mysql-parser-version=i' => \$mysql_parser_version,
+ 'mysql-version=f' => \$mysql_version,
+ 'newlines!' => \$newlines,
+ 'no-comments' => \$no_comments,
+ 'no-scan' => \$no_scan,
+ 'no-trim' => \$no_trim,
+ 'package=s' => \$package_name,
+ 'postgres-version=f' => \$postgres_version,
+ 'prefix:s' => \$prefix,
+ 'pretty!' => \$pretty,
+ 'producer-db-pass:s' => \$producer_db_password,
+ 'producer-db-user:s' => \$producer_db_user,
+ 'producer-dsn:s' => \$producer_dsn,
+ 'quote-field-names|quote_field_names' => \$quote_field_names,
+ 'quote-table-names|quote_table_names' => \$quote_table_names,
+ 'rs:s' => \$record_separator,
+ 'show-warnings' => \$show_warnings,
+ 'skip:s' => \$skip,
+ 'skiplike:s' => \$skiplike,
+ 'template:s' => \$template,
+ 'title:s' => \$title,
+ 'trace' => \$trace,
+ 'tt-conf=s' => \%tt_conf,
+ 'tt-var=s' => \%tt_vars,
+ 't|to|producer:s' => \$to,
+ 'use-same-auth' => \$use_same_auth,
+ 'version' => \$show_version,
+ 'v|validate' => \$validate,
) or pod2usage(2);
if ($use_same_auth) {
quote_field_names => defined $quote_field_names ? $quote_field_names : 1,
validate => $validate || 0,
parser_args => {
- trim_fields => $no_trim ? 0 : 1,
- scan_fields => $no_scan ? 0 : 1,
- field_separator => $field_separator,
- record_separator => $record_separator,
- dsn => $dsn,
- db_user => $db_user,
- db_password => $db_password,
+ db_password => $db_password,
+ db_user => $db_user,
+ dsn => $dsn,
+ field_separator => $field_separator,
+ ignore_opts => $ignore_opts,
mysql_parser_version => $mysql_parser_version,
- skip => $skip,
- ignore_opts => $ignore_opts,
+ record_separator => $record_separator,
+ scan_fields => $no_scan ? 0 : 1,
+ skip => $skip,
+ trim_fields => $no_trim ? 0 : 1,
producer_args => {
+ add_prefix => $add_prefix,
+ add_truncate => $add_truncate,
+ directed => $use_directed,
+ db_password => $producer_db_password,
+ db_user => $producer_db_user,
+ dsn => $producer_dsn,
imap_file => $imap_file,
imap_url => $imap_url,
- pretty => $pretty,
- ttfile => $template,
- tt_vars => \%tt_vars,
- tt_conf => \%tt_conf,
- title => $title,
- dsn => $producer_dsn,
- db_user => $producer_db_user,
- db_password => $producer_db_password,
- skip => $skip,
- skiplike => $skiplike,
- add_truncate => $add_truncate,
- add_prefix => $add_prefix,
- prefix => $prefix,
indent => $indent,
- newlines => $newlines,
- postgres_version => $postgres_version,
mysql_version => $mysql_version,
+ newlines => $newlines,
package_name => $package_name,
+ postgres_version => $postgres_version,
+ prefix => $prefix,
+ pretty => $pretty,
+ skip => $skip,
+ skiplike => $skiplike,
+ title => $title,
+ tt_conf => \%tt_conf,
+ tt_vars => \%tt_vars,
+ ttfile => $template,