Subject: [perl #20536] use if 1, open => ':utf8' fails
From: Autrijus Tang (via RT) <>
Message-Id: <rt-20536-49670.13.>
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@18684
package if;
-our $VERSION = '0.02';
+our $VERSION = '0.03';
sub work {
my $method = shift() ? 'import' : 'unimport';
return unless shift; # CONDITION
my $p = $_[0]; # PACKAGE
- eval "require $p" or die; # Adds .pm etc if needed
+ (my $file = "$") =~ s!::!/!g;
+ require $file or die;
my $m = $p->can($method);
goto &$m if $m;
@INC = '../lib';
-use Test::More tests => 5;
+use Test::More tests => 6;
my $v_plus = $] + 1;
my $v_minus = $] - 1;
ok( eval "use if 1, Cwd; cwd() || 1;",
'"use if" with a true condition, module, no arguments, exports');
+ok( eval "use if qw/ 1 if 1 strict subs /; \${'f'} = 12" eq 12,
+ '"use if" with a module named after keyword');