--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Check the tree against missing VERSIONs.
+# Originally by Larry Shatzer
+use strict;
+use File::Find;
+ sub {
+ return unless -f;
+ if (/\.pm$/ && $File::Find::name !~ m:/t/:) { # pm but not in a test
+ unless (parse_file($_)) {
+ print "$File::Find::name\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }, @ARGV ? shift : ".");
+sub parse_file {
+ my $parsefile = shift;
+ my $result;
+ open(FH,$parsefile) or warn "Could not open '$parsefile': $!";
+ my $inpod = 0;
+ while (<FH>) {
+ $inpod = /^=(?!cut)/ ? 1 : /^=cut/ ? 0 : $inpod;
+ next if $inpod || /^\s*\#/;
+ chomp;
+ next unless /([\$*])(([\w\:\']*)\bVERSION)\b.*\=/;
+ my $eval = qq{
+ package ExtUtils::MakeMaker::_version;
+ no strict;
+ local $1$2;
+ \$$2=undef; do {
+ $_
+ }; \$$2
+ };
+ no warnings;
+ $result = eval($eval);
+ warn "Could not eval '$eval' in $parsefile: $@" if $@;
+ $result = "undef" unless defined $result;
+ last;
+ }
+ close FH;
+ return $result;
File::Copy to become aware of your native filesystem syntax and
+Remember to have a $VERSION in the modules. You can use the
+Porting/checkVERSION.pl script for checking this.
=item documentation
If your operating system comes from outside UNIX you almost certainly