my $ttf_font = SDL::TTF_OpenFont( 'test/data/aircut3.ttf', 12 );
isa_ok( $ttf_font, 'SDL::TTF_Font' );
my ( $w, $h ) = @{ SDL::TTF_SizeText( $ttf_font, 'Hello!' ) };
-is( $w == 27 || 28, 1, '"Hello!" has width 27' );
-is( $h == 14 || 15, 1, '"Hello!" has width 14' );
+is( ($w == 27) || ($w == 28), 1, '"Hello!" has width 27' );
+is( ($h == 14) || ($h == 15), 1, '"Hello!" has width 14' );
my $surface = SDL::TTF_RenderText_Blended( $ttf_font, 'Hello!',
SDL::Color->new( 255, 0, 0 ) );
#TODO: Write to surface and check inf pixel in that area got updated.
SDL::Video::update_rects($display, SDL::Rect->new(0, 10, 20, 20));
-is( (SDL::Video::flip($display) == 0 || -1), 1, '[flip] returns 0 or -1' );
+my $value = SDL::Video::flip($display);
+is( ($value == 0) || ($value == -1), 1, '[flip] returns 0 or -1' );
pass "Are we still alive?";