to L<perlguts/Background and PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT> for information on
the C<[pad]THX_?> macros.
=head2 Poking at Perl
To really poke around with Perl, you'll probably want to build Perl for
For further information, see your system's manual pages for pixie and prof.
+=head2 Miscellaneous tricks
+=over 4
+=item *
+hose debugging perl with the DDD frontend over gdb may find the
+following useful:
+You can extend the data conversion shortcuts menu, so for example you
+can display an SV's IV value with one click, without doing any typing.
+To do that simply edit ~/.ddd/init file and add after:
+ ! Display shortcuts.
+ Ddd*gdbDisplayShortcuts: \
+ /t () // Convert to Bin\n\
+ /d () // Convert to Dec\n\
+ /x () // Convert to Hex\n\
+ /o () // Convert to Oct(\n\
+the following two lines:
+ ((XPV*) (())->sv_any )->xpv_pv // 2pvx\n\
+ ((XPVIV*) (())->sv_any )->xiv_iv // 2ivx
+so now you can do ivx and pvx lookups or you can plug there the
+sv_peek "conversion":
+ Perl_sv_peek(my_perl, (SV*)()) // sv_peek
+(The my_perl is for threaded builds.)
+Just remember that every line, but the last one, should end with \n\
+Alternatively edit the init file interactively via:
+3rd mouse button -> New Display -> Edit Menu
+Note: you can define up to 20 conversion shortcuts in the gdb
We've had a brief look around the Perl source, an overview of the stages