package Math::BigRat;
-require 5.005_03;
+# anythig older is untested, and unlikely to work
+use 5.006002;
use strict;
use Math::BigFloat;
@ISA = qw(Math::BigFloat);
-$VERSION = '0.15';
+$VERSION = '0.17';
use overload; # inherit overload from Math::BigFloat
$self->{sign} = '+'; # no sign => '+'
$self->{_n} = undef;
$self->{_d} = undef;
- if ($n =~ /^([+-]?)0*(\d+)\z/) # first part ok?
+ if ($n =~ /^([+-]?)0*([0-9]+)\z/) # first part ok?
$self->{sign} = $1 || '+'; # no sign => '+'
$self->{_n} = $MBI->_new($2 || 0);
- if ($d =~ /^([+-]?)0*(\d+)\z/) # second part ok?
+ if ($d =~ /^([+-]?)0*([0-9]+)\z/) # second part ok?
$self->{sign} =~ tr/+-/-+/ if ($1 || '') eq '-'; # negate if second part neg.
$self->{_d} = $MBI->_new($2 || 0);
# for simple forms, use $MBI directly
- if ($n =~ /^([+-]?)0*(\d+)\z/)
+ if ($n =~ /^([+-]?)0*([0-9]+)\z/)
$self->{sign} = $1 || '+';
$self->{_n} = $MBI->_new($2 || 0);
$s . $MBI->_as_hex($x->{_n});
+sub as_oct
+ {
+ my ($self,$x) = ref($_[0]) ? (undef,$_[0]) : objectify(1,@_);
+ return $x unless $x->is_int();
+ my $s = $x->{sign}; $s = '' if $s eq '+';
+ $s . $MBI->_as_oct($x->{_n});
+ }
+sub from_hex
+ {
+ my $class = shift;
+ $class->new(@_);
+ }
+sub from_bin
+ {
+ my $class = shift;
+ $class->new(@_);
+ }
+sub from_oct
+ {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my @parts;
+ for my $c (@_)
+ {
+ push @parts, Math::BigInt->from_oct($c);
+ }
+ $class->new ( @parts );
+ }
# import
my $self = shift;
my $l = scalar @_;
my $lib = ''; my @a;
+ my $try = 'try';
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $l ; $i++)
$downgrade = $_[$i+1]; # or undef to disable
- elsif ($_[$i] eq 'lib')
+ elsif ($_[$i] =~ /^(lib|try|only)\z/)
$lib = $_[$i+1] || ''; # default Calc
+ $try = $1; # lib, try or only
elsif ($_[$i] eq 'with')
$lib = join(",", @c);
my @import = ('objectify');
- push @import, lib => $lib if $lib ne '';
+ push @import, $try => $lib if $lib ne '';
# MBI already loaded, so feed it our lib arguments
Math::BigInt->import( @import );
-Math with the numbers is done (by default) by a module called
-Math::BigInt::Calc. This is equivalent to saying:
- use Math::BigRat lib => 'Calc';
+You can change the underlying module that does the low-level
+math operations by using:
-You can change this by using:
+ use Math::BigRat try => 'GMP';
- use Math::BigRat lib => 'BitVect';
+Note: This needs Math::BigInt::GMP installed.
The following would first try to find Math::BigInt::Foo, then
Math::BigInt::Bar, and when this also fails, revert to Math::BigInt::Calc:
- use Math::BigRat lib => 'Foo,Math::BigInt::Bar';
+ use Math::BigRat try => 'Foo,Math::BigInt::Bar'; uses as internal format an array of elements of some decimal base
-(usually 1e7, but this might be different for some systems) with the least
-significant digit first, while uses a bit vector of base 2, most
-significant bit first. Other modules might use even different means of
-representing the numbers. See the respective module documentation for further
+If you want to get warned when the fallback occurs, replace "try" with
-Currently the following replacement libraries exist, search for them at CPAN:
+ use Math::BigRat lib => 'Foo,Math::BigInt::Bar';
- Math::BigInt::BitVect
- Math::BigInt::GMP
- Math::BigInt::Pari
- Math::BigInt::FastCalc
+If you want the code to die instead, replace "try" with
+ use Math::BigRat only => 'Foo,Math::BigInt::Bar';
=head1 METHODS
Return a list consisting of (signed) numerator and (unsigned) denominator as
-=head2 as_int()
+=head2 numify()
+ my $y = $x->numify();
+Returns the object as a scalar. This will lose some data if the object
+cannot be represented by a normal Perl scalar (integer or float), so
+use as_int() instead.
+This routine is automatically used whenever a scalar is required:
+ my $x = Math::BigRat->new('3/1');
+ @array = (1,2,3);
+ $y = $array[$x]; # set $y to 3
+=head2 as_int()/as_number()
$x = Math::BigRat->new('13/7');
print $x->as_int(),"\n"; # '1'
Returns the BigRat as binary string. Works only for integers.
+=head2 as_oct()
+ $x = Math::BigRat->new('13');
+ print $x->as_oct(),"\n"; # '015'
+Returns the BigRat as octal string. Works only for integers.
+=head2 from_hex()/from_bin()/from_oct()
+ my $h = Math::BigRat->from_hex('0x10');
+ my $b = Math::BigRat->from_bin('0b10000000');
+ my $o = Math::BigRat->from_oct('020');
+Create a BigRat from an hexadecimal, binary or octal number
+in string form.
+=head2 length()
+ $len = $x->length();
+Return the length of $x in digitis for integer values.
+=head2 digit()
+ print Math::BigRat->new('123/1')->digit(1); # 1
+ print Math::BigRat->new('123/1')->digit(-1); # 3
+Return the N'ths digit from X when X is an integer value.
+=head2 bnorm()
+ $x->bnorm();
+Reduce the number to the shortest form. This routine is called
+automatically whenever it is needed.
=head2 bfac()
Set $x to the remainder of the division of $x by $y.
+=head2 bneg()
+ $x->bneg();
+Used to negate the object in-place.
=head2 is_one()
print "$x is 1\n" if $x->is_one();
Return true if $x is exactly zero, otherwise false.
-=head2 is_pos()
+=head2 is_pos()/is_positive()
print "$x is >= 0\n" if $x->is_positive();
C<is_positive()> is an alias for C<is_pos()>.
-=head2 is_neg()
+=head2 is_neg()/is_negative()
print "$x is < 0\n" if $x->is_negative();
Calculate the square root of $x.
-=head2 config
+=head2 broot()
+ $x->broot($n);
+Calculate the N'th root of $x.
+=head2 badd()/bmul()/bsub()/bdiv()/bdec()/binc()
+Please see the documentation in L<Math::BigInt>.
+=head2 copy()
+ my $z = $x->copy();
+Makes a deep copy of the object.
+Please see the documentation in L<Math::BigInt> for further details.
+=head2 bstr()/bsstr()
+ my $x = Math::BigInt->new('8/4');
+ print $x->bstr(),"\n"; # prints 1/2
+ print $x->bsstr(),"\n"; # prints 1/2
+Return a string representating this object.
+=head2 bacmp()/bcmp()
+Used to compare numbers.
+Please see the documentation in L<Math::BigInt> for further details.
+=head2 blsft()/brsft()
+Used to shift numbers left/right.
+Please see the documentation in L<Math::BigInt> for further details.
+=head2 bpow()
+ $x->bpow($y);
+Compute $x ** $y.
+Please see the documentation in L<Math::BigInt> for further details.
+=head2 config()
use Data::Dumper;
=head1 AUTHORS
-(C) by Tels L<> 2001 - 2005.
+(C) by Tels L<> 2001 - 2007.
$| = 1;
chdir 't' if -d 't';
unshift @INC, '../lib'; # for running manually
- plan tests => 185;
+ plan tests => 193;
# basic testing of Math::BigRat
$x = $cr->new('4/3'); ok ($x->numify(), 4/3);
-# as_hex(), as_bin()
+# as_hex(), as_bin(), as_oct()
$x = $cr->new('8/8');
-ok ($x->as_hex(), '0x1'); ok ($x->as_bin(), '0b1');
+ok ($x->as_hex(), '0x1'); ok ($x->as_bin(), '0b1'); ok ($x->as_oct(), '01');
$x = $cr->new('80/8');
-ok ($x->as_hex(), '0xa'); ok ($x->as_bin(), '0b1010');
+ok ($x->as_hex(), '0xa'); ok ($x->as_bin(), '0b1010'); ok ($x->as_oct(), '012');
# broot(), blog(), bmodpow() and bmodinv()
ok ($x->copy()->broot('3'), 12, '(12*12*12) ** 1/3 = 12');
+# from_hex(), from_bin(), from_oct()
+$x = Math::BigRat->from_hex('0x100');
+ok ($x, '256', 'from_hex');
+$x = $cr->from_hex('0x100');
+ok ($x, '256', 'from_hex');
+$x = Math::BigRat->from_bin('0b100');
+ok ($x, '4', 'from_bin');
+$x = $cr->from_bin('0b100');
+ok ($x, '4', 'from_bin');
+$x = Math::BigRat->from_oct('0100');
+ok ($x, '64', 'from_oct');
+$x = $cr->from_oct('0100');
+ok ($x, '64', 'from_oct');
# done