--- /dev/null
+#!./perl -w
+# Copyright 2002, Larry Wall.
+# You may redistribute only under the same terms as Perl 5, as specified
+# in the README file that comes with the distribution.
+# I'm trying to keep this test easily backwards compatible to 5.004, so no
+# qr//;
+# Currently using Test not Test::More, as Test is in core that far back.
+# This test tries to craft malicious data to test out as many different
+# error traps in Storable as possible
+# It also acts as a test for read_header
+sub BEGIN {
+ if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}){
+ chdir('t') if -d 't';
+ @INC = '.';
+ push @INC, '../lib';
+ }
+ require Config; import Config;
+ if ($ENV{PERL_CORE} and $Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bStorable\b/) {
+ print "1..0 # Skip: Storable was not built\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ # require 'lib/st-dump.pl';
+use strict;
+use vars qw($file_magic_str $other_magic $network_magic);
+$file_magic_str = 'pst0';
+$other_magic = 7 + $Config{longsize};
+$network_magic = 2;
+use Test;
+BEGIN { plan tests => 334 + $Config{longsize} * 4}
+use Storable qw (store retrieve freeze thaw nstore nfreeze);
+my $file = "malice.$$";
+die "Temporary file 'malice.$$' already exists" if -e $file;
+END { while (-f $file) {unlink $file or die "Can't unlink '$file': $!" }}
+my %hash = (perl => 'rules');
+sub test_hash {
+ my $clone = shift;
+ ok (ref $clone, "HASH", "Get hash back");
+ ok (scalar keys %$clone, 1, "with 1 key");
+ ok ((keys %$clone)[0], "perl", "which is correct");
+ ok ($clone->{perl}, "rules");
+sub test_header {
+ my ($header, $isfile, $isnetorder) = @_;
+ ok (!!$header->{file}, !!$isfile, "is file");
+ ok ($header->{major}, 2, "major number");
+ ok ($header->{minor}, 5, "minor number");
+ ok (!!$header->{netorder}, !!$isnetorder, "is network order");
+ if ($isnetorder) {
+ # Skip these
+ for (1..5) {
+ ok (1, 1, "Network order header has no sizes");
+ }
+ } else {
+ ok ($header->{byteorder}, $Config{byteorder}, "byte order");
+ ok ($header->{intsize}, $Config{intsize}, "int size");
+ ok ($header->{longsize}, $Config{longsize}, "long size");
+ ok ($header->{ptrsize}, $Config{ptrsize}, "long size");
+ ok ($header->{nvsize}, $Config{nvsize} || $Config{doublesize} || 8,
+ "nv size"); # 5.00405 doesn't even have doublesize in config.
+ }
+sub store_and_retrieve {
+ my $data = shift;
+ unlink $file or die "Can't unlink '$file': $!";
+ open FH, ">$file" or die "Can't open '$file': $!";
+ binmode FH;
+ print FH $data or die "Can't print to '$file': $!";
+ close FH or die "Can't close '$file': $!";
+ return eval {retrieve $file};
+sub freeze_and_thaw {
+ my $data = shift;
+ return eval {thaw $data};
+sub test_truncated {
+ my ($data, $sub, $magic_len, $what) = @_;
+ for my $i (0 .. length ($data) - 1) {
+ my $short = substr $data, 0, $i;
+ my $clone = &$sub($short);
+ ok (defined ($clone), '', "truncated $what to $i should fail");
+ if ($i < $magic_len) {
+ ok ($@, "/^Magic number checking on storable $what failed/",
+ "Should croak with magic number warning");
+ } else {
+ ok ($@, "", "Should not set \$\@");
+ }
+ }
+sub test_corrupt {
+ my ($data, $sub, $what, $name) = @_;
+ my $clone = &$sub($data);
+ ok (defined ($clone), '', "$name $what should fail");
+ ok ($@, $what, $name);
+sub test_things {
+ my ($contents, $sub, $what, $isnetwork) = @_;
+ my $isfile = $what eq 'file';
+ my $file_magic = $isfile ? length $file_magic_str : 0;
+ my $header = Storable::read_magic ($contents);
+ test_header ($header, $isfile, $isnetwork);
+ # Test that if we re-write it, everything still works:
+ my $clone = &$sub ($contents);
+ ok ($@, "", "There should be no error");
+ test_hash ($clone);
+ # Now lets check the short version:
+ test_truncated ($contents, $sub, $file_magic
+ + ($isnetwork ? $network_magic : $other_magic), $what);
+ my $copy;
+ if ($isfile) {
+ $copy = $contents;
+ substr ($copy, 0, 4) = 'iron';
+ test_corrupt ($copy, $sub, "/^File is not a perl storable/",
+ "magic number");
+ }
+ $copy = $contents;
+ my $minor1 = $header->{minor} + 1;
+ substr ($copy, $file_magic + 1, 1) = chr $minor1;
+ test_corrupt ($copy, $sub,
+ "/^Storable binary image v$header->{major}.$minor1 more recent than I am \\(v$header->{major}.$header->{minor}\\)/",
+ "higher minor");
+ $copy = $contents;
+ my $major1 = $header->{major} + 1;
+ substr ($copy, $file_magic, 1) = chr 2*$major1;
+ test_corrupt ($copy, $sub,
+ "/^Storable binary image v$major1.$header->{minor} more recent than I am \\(v$header->{major}.$header->{minor}\\)/",
+ "higher major");
+ # Continue messing with the previous copy
+ $minor1 = $header->{minor} - 1;
+ substr ($copy, $file_magic + 1, 1) = chr $minor1;
+ test_corrupt ($copy, $sub,
+ "/^Storable binary image v$major1.$minor1 more recent than I am \\(v$header->{major}.$header->{minor}\\)/",
+ "higher major, lower minor");
+ my $where;
+ if (!$isnetwork) {
+ # All these are omitted from the network order header.
+ # I'm not sure if it's correct to omit the byte size stuff.
+ $copy = $contents;
+ substr ($copy, $file_magic + 3, length $header->{byteorder})
+ = reverse $header->{byteorder};
+ test_corrupt ($copy, $sub, "/^Byte order is not compatible/",
+ "byte order");
+ $where = $file_magic + 3 + length $header->{byteorder};
+ foreach (['intsize', "Integer"],
+ ['longsize', "Long integer"],
+ ['ptrsize', "Pointer integer"],
+ ['nvsize', "Double"]) {
+ my ($key, $name) = @$_;
+ $copy = $contents;
+ substr ($copy, $where++, 1) = chr 0;
+ test_corrupt ($copy, $sub, "/^$name size is not compatible/",
+ "$name size");
+ }
+ } else {
+ $where = $file_magic + $network_magic;
+ }
+ # Just the header and a tag 255. As 26 is currently the highest tag, this
+ # is "unexpected"
+ $copy = substr ($contents, 0, $where) . chr 255;
+ test_corrupt ($copy, $sub,
+ "/^Corrupted storable $what \\(binary v$header->{major}.$header->{minor}\\)/",
+ "bogus tag");
+sub slurp {
+ my $file = shift;
+ local (*FH, $/);
+ open FH, "<$file" or die "Can't open '$file': $!";
+ binmode FH;
+ my $contents = <FH>;
+ die "Can't read $file: $!" unless defined $contents;
+ return $contents;
+ok (defined store(\%hash, $file));
+my $expected = 20 + length ($file_magic_str) + $other_magic;
+my $length = -s $file;
+die "Don't seem to have written file '$file' as I can't get its length: $!"
+ unless defined $file;
+die "Expected file to be $expected bytes (sizeof long is $Config{longsize}) but it is $length"
+ unless $length == $expected;
+# Read the contents into memory:
+my $contents = slurp $file;
+# Test the original direct from disk
+my $clone = retrieve $file;
+test_hash ($clone);
+# Then test it.
+test_things($contents, \&store_and_retrieve, 'file');
+# And now try almost everything again with a Storable string
+my $stored = freeze \%hash;
+test_things($stored, \&freeze_and_thaw, 'string');
+# Network order.
+unlink $file or die "Can't unlink '$file': $!";
+ok (defined nstore(\%hash, $file));
+$expected = 20 + length ($file_magic_str) + $network_magic;
+$length = -s $file;
+die "Don't seem to have written file '$file' as I can't get its length: $!"
+ unless defined $file;
+die "Expected file to be $expected bytes (sizeof long is $Config{longsize}) but it is $length"
+ unless $length == $expected;
+# Read the contents into memory:
+$contents = slurp $file;
+# Test the original direct from disk
+$clone = retrieve $file;
+test_hash ($clone);
+# Then test it.
+test_things($contents, \&store_and_retrieve, 'file', 1);
+# And now try almost everything again with a Storable string
+$stored = nfreeze \%hash;
+test_things($stored, \&freeze_and_thaw, 'string', 1);