Revision history for SQL::Abstract
+revision 1.68 work in progress
+ - Better documentation of undef/NULL in where clause
revision 1.67 2010-05-31 14:21 (UTC)
- Fix SQL::Test failure when first chunk is an unrecognized
A field associated to an empty arrayref will be considered a
logical false and will generate 0=1.
+=head2 Tests for NULL values
+If the value part is C<undef> then this is converted to SQL <IS NULL>
+ my %where = (
+ user => 'nwiger',
+ status => undef,
+ );
+ $stmt = "WHERE user = ? AND status IS NULL";
+ @bind = ('nwiger');
=head2 Specific comparison operators
If you want to specify a different type of operator for your comparison,
$stmt = "WHERE priority < ? AND is_ready";
@bind = ('2');
+Literal SQL is also the only way to compare 2 columns to one another:
+ my %where = (
+ priority => { '<', 2 },
+ requestor => \'= submittor'
+ );
+which creates:
+ $stmt = "WHERE priority < ? AND requestor = submitter";
+ @bind = ('2');
=head2 Literal SQL with placeholders and bind values (subqueries)
around. On subsequent queries, simply use the C<values> function provided
by this module to return your values in the correct order.
+However this depends on the values having the same type - if, for
+example, the values of a where clause may either have values
+(resulting in sql of the form C<column = ?> with a single bind
+value), or alternatively the values might be C<undef> (resulting in
+sql of the form C<column IS NULL> with no bind value) then the
+caching technique suggested will not work.