my $code = pop @_;
$meta->add_around_method_modifier($_, $code) for @_;
+ $meta->alias_method('super' => subname 'Moose::super' => sub {});
+ $meta->alias_method('override' => subname 'Moose::override' => sub {
+ my ($name, $method) = @_;
+ my $super = $meta->find_next_method_by_name($name);
+ (defined $super)
+ || confess "You cannot override '$name' because it has no super method";
+ $meta->add_method($name => sub {
+ my @args = @_;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *{$meta->name . '::super'} = sub { $super->(@args) };
+ return $method->(@args);
+ });
+ });
+ $meta->alias_method('inner' => subname 'Moose::inner' => sub {});
+ $meta->alias_method('augment' => subname 'Moose::augment' => sub {
+ my ($name, $method) = @_;
+ my $super = $meta->find_next_method_by_name($name);
+ (defined $super)
+ || confess "You cannot augment '$name' because it has no super method";
+ $meta->add_method($name => sub {
+ my @args = @_;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *{$super->package_name . '::inner'} = sub { $method->(@args) };
+ return $super->(@args);
+ });
+ });
# make sure they inherit from Moose::Object
has 'title' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str');
has 'company' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Company', weak_ref => 1);
+ override 'full_name' => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ super() . ', ' . $self->title
+ };
my $ii;
is($ii->employees->[0]->last_name, 'Shao', '... got the right last name');
ok(!$ii->employees->[0]->has_middle_initial, '... no middle initial');
is($ii->employees->[0]->middle_initial, undef, '... got the right middle initial value');
-is($ii->employees->[0]->full_name, 'Jeremy Shao', '... got the right full name');
+is($ii->employees->[0]->full_name, 'Jeremy Shao, President / Senior Consultant', '... got the right full name');
is($ii->employees->[0]->title, 'President / Senior Consultant', '... got the right title');
is($ii->employees->[0]->company, $ii, '... got the right company');
ok(isweak($ii->employees->[0]->{company}), '... the company is a weak-ref');
is($ii->employees->[1]->last_name, 'Lee', '... got the right last name');
ok(!$ii->employees->[1]->has_middle_initial, '... no middle initial');
is($ii->employees->[1]->middle_initial, undef, '... got the right middle initial value');
-is($ii->employees->[1]->full_name, 'Tommy Lee', '... got the right full name');
+is($ii->employees->[1]->full_name, 'Tommy Lee, Vice President / Senior Developer', '... got the right full name');
is($ii->employees->[1]->title, 'Vice President / Senior Developer', '... got the right title');
is($ii->employees->[1]->company, $ii, '... got the right company');
ok(isweak($ii->employees->[1]->{company}), '... the company is a weak-ref');
is($ii->employees->[2]->last_name, 'Little', '... got the right last name');
ok($ii->employees->[2]->has_middle_initial, '... got middle initial');
is($ii->employees->[2]->middle_initial, 'C', '... got the right middle initial value');
-is($ii->employees->[2]->full_name, 'Stevan C. Little', '... got the right full name');
+is($ii->employees->[2]->full_name, 'Stevan C. Little, Senior Developer', '... got the right full name');
is($ii->employees->[2]->title, 'Senior Developer', '... got the right title');
is($ii->employees->[2]->company, $ii, '... got the right company');
ok(isweak($ii->employees->[2]->{company}), '... the company is a weak-ref');
is($ii->employees->[3]->last_name, 'Kinyon', '... got the right last name');
ok(!$ii->employees->[3]->has_middle_initial, '... got middle initial');
is($ii->employees->[3]->middle_initial, undef, '... got the right middle initial value');
-is($ii->employees->[3]->full_name, 'Rob Kinyon', '... got the right full name');
+is($ii->employees->[3]->full_name, 'Rob Kinyon, Developer', '... got the right full name');
is($ii->employees->[3]->title, 'Developer', '... got the right title');
is($ii->employees->[3]->company, $ii, '... got the right company');
ok(isweak($ii->employees->[3]->{company}), '... the company is a weak-ref');
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 7;
+ use_ok('Moose');
+ package Foo;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Moose;
+ sub foo { 'Foo::foo(' . inner() . ')' }
+ sub bar { 'Foo::bar(' . inner() . ')' }
+ sub baz { 'Foo::baz(' . inner() . ')' }
+ package Bar;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Moose;
+ extends 'Foo';
+ augment foo => sub { 'Bar::foo(' . inner() . ')' };
+ augment bar => sub { 'Bar::bar' };
+ package Baz;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Moose;
+ extends 'Bar';
+ augment foo => sub { 'Baz::foo' };
+ augment baz => sub { 'Baz::baz' };
+my $baz = Baz->new();
+isa_ok($baz, 'Baz');
+isa_ok($baz, 'Bar');
+isa_ok($baz, 'Foo');
+is($baz->foo(), 'Foo::foo(Bar::foo(Baz::foo))', '... got the right value from &foo');
+is($baz->bar(), 'Foo::bar(Bar::bar)', '... got the right value from &bar');
+is($baz->baz(), 'Foo::baz(Baz::baz)', '... got the right value from &baz');